
Which household chore do you put off until it can no longer be ignored?

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Do you let your dishes pile up? Do you ignore the dirty laundry? What household task do you ignore as long as you possibly can?

I try to avoid scrubbing the tub for as long as I can.




  1. OMG - my shower was FOUL.  I have a high tolerance for "ick," and this was gross.  I spent the better part of Saturday morning scrubbing it.  Part of the problem is that I climb in without contact lenses, so I don't get the full picture of the nasty buildup (soap, mildew, hair, and a little bit of rust from the hinges that makes it all a divine puke-inducing pink).  

  2. I'm with you on the tub!  I just hate cleaning the bathroom alltogether.

  3. laundry

  4. None of the above.  I'm a neat-freak and I'm constantly cleaning up after my husband and mother-in-law, who are both rather more casual than I am.  I can't do anything about the latter, but the former is getting better (I whip him into shape very gently, lol).

  5. The windows, screens, window tracks and blinds, between the kids, dogs, the tractors, and orchard equipment they get trashed way to fast.  

  6. I ignore the laundry for as long as possible. I hate it!  

  7. Dishes definitely. They all get rinsed and look clean, but sit on the counter until I feel like putting them in the dishwasher. A lot of my chores get put off, but I have a full time job and 2 toddlers. My husband tries to help, but I'm very particular about things and only let him do a few chores because there is nothing he could do to mess them up. I do them when I can. Also, the bathtub is one of the only things that gets cleaned scrubbed on a bi-weekly basis. I use a Clorox wipe in between scrubbings--I can't let my kids bathe in a germ infested bathtub!

  8. Dusting...

  9. The shower and toilet!

  10. well the floors vacuming mopping you know

  11. Cleaning the fridge.

  12. I'm the same as you, I avoid my shower at all possible costs. Then when the walls seem to be crawling back at me, that's when I clean it (it's usually every other week).  

  13. I agree with you! I have a shower, but it is always the last thing to get cleaned!

    Everything else, I am right on top of, but the shower is only cleaned every other week.

  14. My husbands toilet.

  15. The bathroom? but not for too long because there's just so much dust developing everywhere.  I clean and there's dust build up on fixtures in two days already.  It drives me nuts!

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