
Which human organ system is the first to becomg visibly differentiated during development?

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As I already know that the endoderm is the middle layer, which overtime develops into our internal organs. I still don't really understand how to answer this question. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





  1. epodermis skin

  2. the brain

  3. ("Development in humans last about 280 days or 40 +/- 2 weeks from fertilization until birth.  ... a single-celled zygote to a baby occurs.  Fertilization ... occurs in the fallopian tube.  The zygote divides rapidly by cleavage as it travels towards the uterus.  It enters the uterus 3 days after fertilization. .... All the organ systems of a human embryo begin to develop withing 60 days (eight and a half weeks) following fertilization ....  The heart begins to beat after 4 weeks. By eight weeks the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and fingers and toes are easily recognizable ....")

    As I recall, the heart is the first organ system to more fully differentiate and become visibly observable as a functioning organ.

    See: Cornell Institute for Biology Teachers

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