
Which idea do you like better?

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this is a long question, but thanks in advance!!

would you be most likely to shop for your wedding at...

1. a "green" wedding store with eco-friendly and fair trade wedding items, and consigned wedding dresses

2. a wedding resale/consignment store with various wedding items that had been gently used or were new

3. an overstock type wedding place, like tjmaxx except for wedding stuff

4. a one-stop wedding DIY wedding store with stations for each area of your wedding needs, like one for centerpieces, one for lighting, etc., including consigned dresses

5. or like a mini wedding show with various vendors who offer special deals for a limited selection, like you can pick one of three cakes, and one of three centerpieces, etc but at a guaranteed lower price, and saving time




  1. 2 or 3

  2. Either a wedding resale store or a mini weddding show. A lot of vendors are able to suggest other reputable vendors (the florist might be able to suggest a great bakery, for instance) so I would definitely take all advice from them. Good luck!

  3. Mini wedding show

  4. 4 I'm all about the one stop  shopping all under the same roof to save time. Also if your choices are a bit limited it's a good thing because it prevents you from wedding overload. Sometimes too much information is just as bad as not enough. Also when you get everything at the same place that has the various stations your are less likely to forget something.If Walmart had a one stop shop wedding outlet I would definitely shop there!

  5. My personal choice would be a mix of them all!

    However, if you are thinking of setting up in business soon - jump on the bandwagon with number one. It's the hottest industry right now, and many couples are willing to pay more just to be eco-friendly.

  6. I vote for either 1 or 5. I can't decide between the two. They both sound so cool!

  7. Lauren --

    This might not be a helpful answer, but all of them are a great idea for different reasons.  #1 is a good idea because "green" is a great way to go no matter what industry you are talking about.  The best part about using "green" business practices is that you can really do it with any of these ideas.  #2 is a great idea because people can take items that they would have otherwise only used once and pass them on to other people who maybe don't have a ton of money to spend.  Of course, this idea makes me think of rental items...but that's just my mind wandering.  #3 is also a great idea because there is always overstock, no matter what type of store you have.  Overstock is a fact of the retail industry, so why not take advantage of it and pass along some savings to some thrifty brides?  #4 is my favorite idea, but it is also the most difficult to set up.  #5 is also great and is something I've looked into doing.  But, unless you have six months to prepare for an event like this, and work endless hours to find vendors who are willing to participate, it might be even more difficult that #4 to get set up.

    Please feel free to contact me at my yahoo email address: and I would be happy to help with some more suggestions.  (I think you emailed me at my business' email address yesterday but for some reason I was unable to reply to the message.)

  8. I 'want' to say #1 but I probably would use #4.  Convenience is king.

    For sure I wouldn't buy anything at #5.  I wouldn't trust that the vendors are reputable or stable.  Too easy for any fly-by-night artist to set up a booth at these kind of things.  

  9. an overstock type wedding place


    a one-stop wedding DIY wedding store

  10. Definitely the eco-friendly wedding supply store!

    I'm a friend of the environment, and through planning my own wedding i've realized how wasteful they are (like 3 different cards and 2 or 3 envelops for ONE invitation? Crazy!)

    I think that is the most original out of the five, and it fills a real need/niche in the industry.

    Best of Luck!

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