
Which infant formula is best? Enfamil Lipil or similac advance? ?

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I don't want to know what kind you use but why you use it.




  1. Enfamil Lipil

  2. My grandson does very well on Enfamil Lipil,he takes it well and it agrees with him well too.

  3. I tried similac advance and my boys would throw it up so I switched to Enfamil Lipil and that was a little better because my oldest son seemed to tolerate it better and didn't throw up as much and he seemed to prefer the taste and I found that it didn't seem to stink as bad as similac stuff.

  4. We tried Similac Advance but my son ended up spitting up A LOT of it after eating. Don't have experience with Enfamil Lipil. He's now on Parents Choice Gentle and it has worked wonderfully.

  5. I used Enfamil Lipil with my daughters, and my niece.  It is what my doctor recommended.  They all did great with it, no problems, and were all very happy babies!!

  6. I only supplemented (because I breastfed only for the first 6-8 mos) but chose Nutramigen - which is hypoallergenic (lots of milk allergies in the family).

    With my first daughter, I used soy. Also because it was less likely to cause allergies to dairy later. My 3rd daughter was allergic to both dairy and soy, so Nutramigen was fantastic! It is available through WIC with a dr prescription.

  7. Enfamil Lipil

    when I give my baby similac he was spitting up A LOT and has constipation

  8. my son handled enfamil lipil perfectly . with similac he spit up way too much. so we stuck with enfamil

  9. This is a question for your child's doctor.

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