
Which instrument should i learn first? Bass or Electric?

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I have no musical background and i would like to learn one of them. I was interested in bass but when i learned that it doesn't sound good alone my interest for it went down a bit. I still have a craving to learn how to play it but at the same time, a part of me wants me to learn electric guitar.

Another thing is that my friends want me to learn how to play the bass, but i have a feeling that they are using me, so they can have bassist to play with. (They play guitar, and drums)

My main concern is that if i learn to play electric first or learn how to play the bass first, it'll hurt my abillity to play the other instrument.

Whats up with the line "Theres Guitarist who play bass..Then theres bass players" Is it trying to imply that learning the guitar first wont allow you to get the "feel" of the bass?




  1. I think it depends on what part of the music you want to be.  I prefer harmony and bass myself.

    Go to a music store (without your well meaning friends) and talk to a knowledgeable person.  Try out the bass...listen to some music...then try the guitar and listen.  If you find you are humming or matching the beat of one more than the other, then pick that one.

    It's better if you can talk to people who play these instruments before you invest your time and money.

    Remember, you should be having fun.  If it's a pain in the behind, then forget it.

  2. probly start with bass and as you become about a medium at it, start shifting to the electric I plat three diff instruments if that helps

  3. Quote: Whats up with the line "Theres Guitarist who play bass..Then theres bass players" Is it trying to imply that learning the guitar first wont allow you to get the "feel" of the bass?

    I am a bass player and I know guitarists who THINK they can play the bass.  ;-)  GENERALLY, guitarists who switch to bass just don't get the same groove as a bassist who has always played bass.

    My advice, learn the bass.  You'll always be in demand for bands and you'll always have a gig.  You can always learn guitar, electric guitar etc and add them to your "list of weapons."  The strength you'll develop in your hands while learning the bass will also make learning the guitar easier.

  4. go for bass! less strings but more frets, it isnt too hard and when you learn bass guitar will seem sooooo much easier!


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