My girlfriend has periods in sometimes in 32 days, sometimes in 35 days & sometimes in 40 days. The number of days are never same. She had her last period on June 5. During having s*x, i ejaculated in the condom before her o****m.. so i took the condom out and put on another one but I think during changing condoms I might have touched the s***n while taking the first one out and used the same hand to wear the second one, so there are chances that the outer layer of the second condom may have been in contact with s***n... I do not remember the exact date but it was between 20 to 25 June. Also on July 13 we had an unprotected intercourse. Today is July 19 and she still does not have periods. She is feeling quasy and is not able to go to kitchen as the smell of food is making her feel nauseatic... If pregnancy is confirmed, will it be the intercourse in June (between 20 to 25) or the intercourse on July 13?