
Which intstrument might be most interesting/good for me to learn? (i already play a few)?

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Well, yes, I love instrumental music and want to be versatile in what I can play. I don't plan on being a music major once I get into college, however.

I'm 16, just finished my sophomore year of high school. I've played the clarinet for six years... and I play it well, and am eagerly improving and learning. Played the bass clarinet a little. Played the alto sax for 2 years and I'm good enough but still need much work..and I'm teaching myself the flute..

If I could get a hold of an oboe, do you think that'd be good to learn to play well? Or the trumpet? or what?




  1. Oboe is really difficult.  Unlike clarinet or flute you sound like a diseased duck for quite awhile, I should know- I've played for 8 years :)  I marched trumpet in high school after playing flute, clarinet, and oboe, and I found it challenging but do-able.  I really enjoyed the fact that you could play really loudly if you wanted to.  The buzzing took some time to get used to, but I found it a nice change from the woodwind family.  Whatever you choose, I'm sure it'll be fun, you seem to be wonderfully musically inclined already!

  2. well u should try something different like viola/violin/cello/guitar piano . w/e suites u

  3. Piano! its the best well i dunno it takes a lot of work but its really fun to be like an entire band made up of your fingers XD

  4. the cello is cool

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