
Which iron supplements for anima i can take, that i can find over the counter?

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Which iron supplements for anima i can take, that i can find over the counter?




  1. Pretty much any Iron supplement can help for Anemia (you could easily go for a brand you recognize as having good quality)... but has your doctor told you that you are Anemic? If not, you need to get tested to make sure you are Anemic before you take it. The reason is because too much Iron is toxic.

    Anemia is literally an Iron deficiency, so you need extra to replace that deficiency... if you have enough Iron, adding a bunch more could be hazardous to your health. Good luck!

  2. I used a product called Liquid Chlorophyll for my anemia. It got my iron count up quickly and effectively. It made me feel much better too. Good luck!

  3. Dr Schuessler's biochemic tissue salts in the Ferr Phos, these can be bought in health shops and chemists, are natural and will not cause it is  the natural mineral.

  4. to diagnose your anemia the doctor will get your medical  history  get a physical  exam and order lab tests to determine the cause and the plan for the amount of medicine and treatment of anemia sorry its not that easy to just give you this information

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