
Which is Better Degree? Help!

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Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics Degree from University of California Irvine?


Bachelor of Science in Computer Information System with Option in Information Technology from California State University Los Angeles?

Reason i ask is because i am at UCI but I can't find a Business/IT major that they offer they only offer this Business Economics major right now which is closest thing to what i want at UCI (I dont like programming like in Computer Science), But the one at California State University has the exact degree i want.

My question is which one is better for employers when i want to get a job in Information Technology company?

PS: I have work experience in IT/IS departments for 1.5 years

I am a junior transfer.





  1. Approach/approach conflicts are tough, aren't they?

    Both of these choices appear to have advantages for you.  In general, a degree from a major university, especially one on an upward trajectory such as UCI, carries a bit more prestige than a degree from the state college system (even tho these colleges are now officially universities).  This is especially true within CA, where most folks know that the two educational systems differ in goals and teaching style.  

    On the other hand, the CSU choice might be better for several reasons, central among them that their instructors tend to be geared more toward students' occupational goals.

    I think perhaps you've answered your own question.  If CSULA has the exact degree you want, go for it.

  2. All of the UC schools are selective and highly regarded.  None of the CSU schools are selective, nor are they highly regarded.

    You think you are asking the question "Do employers want an employee with an IT degree or a Business Economics degree?" -- but the question you are really asking is "Do employers want a graduate of a good school or a bad school?"

    The answer to the first question may not be obvious -- but the answer to the second question is.  You would be a fool to transfer from a UC school to a CSU school.

  3. it depends on what you want to do for work. if you want to work on the machines and software id go with the IT degree but if you want to be on the business side, working with people, then id do the business degree.  

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