
Which is Better For Me? PS3 or Xbox 360?

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I have a couple of hundred bucks saved up from my summer job and I was thinking of getting a console. All my friends have a PS3 but the price and selection of games is limited. Xbox seems to be almost becoming out dated. I don't know what to choose please help!




  1. All depends really, do you like playing games to get points to show how big your epeen is, or would you like to get a system that doesn't mess up. METAL GEAR SOLID is good, but GEARS OF WAR is also. Go to Walmart, play em both for free.

  2. it depends on your game preferences. if ur going for RPG games and better graphics, PS3 is the way. if ur going for hardcore shooting games go for the 360. ps3 has free online access and gives full access to the internet but 360s online service is more sophisticated. most of the major games sre coming out on both though - cod world at war, final fantasy XIII, saints row 2 etc... i personally prefer the ps3 (as i have one) but still think the 360 is worth considering.

  3. ps3 will be better in the long run

  4. The 360 is hardly coming out dated. In fact, an update is coming in the fall that is going to add a lot of new features to the 360, like avatars. Search it, its the Fall Update. As for the question, here's a good run-down.

    PRICE - The 360 wins this one. The 360 is also expecting a price drop, but Sony already announced that they can't afford to. PS3 is only expensive because it has a Blu-Ray player, which is great for movies, but horrible for games. You have to install games on the PS3 before you play them, and that's only so it will run as fast as the 360.

    GRAPHICS - The 360 wins again. Tons of PS3 users say that the PS3 has better graphics, but go do a search for yourself. Look up 360 vs PS3 graphics comparisons. 360 looks better, and has been proven to have a better graphics card.

    GAMES - For the third time, the 360 wins. It has been out longer, and therefore has more games. The PS3 barely has any blockbuster games, and most of the ones it does have (COD4, Oblivion, GTAIV, Bioshock) are already on the 360 and they look BETTER on the 360. The PS3's only GREAT game is MGS4, but then again, the 360 has Halo, the best selling game of all time.

    ONLINE GAMING - The 360 wins. Xbox Live has tons more features, is more developed, and runs smoothly. Sure, you have to pay for it, but for $50 (less than the price of a new game) you get 13 months of it. PSN may be free, but would you rather have a free service that runs horribly, lags, and has few people, or pay a small amount for an award winning service?

    PROBLEMS - This one is even. The 360 has had the Red Ring of Death, but with the new batch of 360's, this problem has been solved. The PS3 has been experiencing what some call The Yellow light of death, overheating (still) and other problems, especially with firmware. Memory corruption? DVD's not playing? You won't see that on the 360.

    NON-GAMING - The PS3 wins this one. It is a GREAT Blu-Ray/multimedia player. But, that's really its only strong point. The 360 is getting Blu-Ray soon, anyway.

    I think the choice is clear. All of what I said is true, feel free to Google it.

  5. its all up to what you want. a ps3 is a lot cheaper but in my expierience and xbox 360 is better and has more games andhas more people online.

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