
Which is Better?!?!?!?

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ok my favorite animal is a penguin and my friends' is a Giraffe! which one do you think is better?!?!? (no stupid comments plz???) & what are you're favorite animals?




  1. Penguins are more interesting, they are the only bird which can properly swim in the ocean.

  2. its hard to say which is beter really because they are tottaly diiferent animals, penguins are succseful hunters and are very caring towards thier youngsters, meanwhile giraffes are strong tall mammals and have a very modest way of life with hardly and competition for food

  3. u can cuddle with a penguin, maybe

    u can ride a giraffe, with a ladder




  4. Penguin is better.

    MY favorite animal is the parakeet.

  5. Does it matter which is better?  You may say one and anyone else has their own separate opinion and that is okay.

  6. Neither of them.  No one animal is better than any other animal.  

    I suggest you find something more challenging to discuss.  Like a solution to world hunger.

  7. GIRAFFES!... ok maybe im sitting in the same room as you but i can answer your question....  GIRAFFES RULE!

  8. Hippos are pretty badass, as are penguins and giraffes. Ooooh, and bush babies are awesome. AND MEERCATS. Anyway, if I had to choose, I'd say giraffe because they have massive necks. Penguins are still equally as cool though, they SLIDE ON THEIR BELLIES.
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