
Which is MORE ludicrous, abstinence as a means of birth control OR diplomacy with know terrorist?

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Which is MORE ludicrous, abstinence as a means of birth control OR diplomacy with know terrorist?




  1. abstinence for a sexually active 17 year old

  2. Abstinence, it doesn't work.  There is a natural human need to procreate.  

  3. MORE    Ludicrous would be Odrama being president of America. Now that is ludicrous !    bd

  4. Abstinence.

  5. diplomacy with known terrorists.  Especially when it is their religious conviction to kill all who don't agree with them.  (non believers/infidels)

  6. Palin was a member of an Alaskan seperatist group!!!  That is more unpatriotic than both of your options!!  

    Obama was 8 years old when William ayers was a terrorist and they only worked together.  Do you vet every person YOU work with? Stop listening to soo much Sean Hannity...

  7. You are right.

    Nobody should negotiate with President Bush.

  8. OH I HAVE AN IDEA!!!!!!

    Oh wait, never mind...

    Diplomacy with a known terrorist is way dumber.  

  9. Abstinence as birth control.

  10. What?  What's really ludicrous is your grammar.  Also, adults know how to try to resolve conflicts with words as a first options.  Children know only brute force as a resolution to problems.

  11. Not many practice abstinence anymore.  Every year teen birth rates go up. It's about time to take a different approach. The old ways do not work anymore.

  12. wow, that's a good question, there both way out there, i'm going to have to go for diplomacy, only because it's more dangerous than teenies having kids

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