
Which is Smarter: Dog or Cat?

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GL answering this, lol.




  1. I think it depends on what you mean by "smart."  Dogs are more able to be trained, but cats are more independent and often are "problem solvers."  Dogs are often highly empathetic; cats often have a better memory and can hold a grudge.  They have different kinds of intelligence.  

    With the possible exception of my cat.  I have him trained to sit and beg on command, he can't go a day without me, and routinely gets stuck in paper bags because he just can't seem to remember to back out of them.  I love him to death.  lol

  2. Well I would love to say dog just because they are more obedient and loyal to their owners.

    But cats seem to have it all figured out; as owners we feed them, we groom them, we clean up their p**p and in return cats will give us the time of day when they want too and not a single second before. Not to many cats do tricks; but still get treats...Hmmmm Yep I love dogs but I would have to say the cats got this one.

  3. Which dog, which cat, on which subject? It just depends, but my Lab is WAYYYY smarter then the cat we just got rid of.....he doesn't run out in front of cars & when he wants outside he nudges your hand and runs to the door....if he's hungry he brings you his bowl or catches a squirrel or rabbit. If a kid screams he runs to them, even if it's a play scream & there splashing in water. The cat runs and hides when she hears screams.

  4. depends which dog which cat i guess...if that makes any sense.

  5. it depends on which dog and cat you are comparing, some dogs are smarter than some cats and vise versa

  6. Dogs are generally a little smarter than a cat, but their are smart cats and dumb dogs.Dogs save peoples lives and help them live with disabilities.If cat`s are so smart why do we not have police cats?

  7. dogs!!! AND cats as well, though it depends on the cat :)

  8. They both can be equally smart it depends which pacific cat and dog you are reffering 2..

  9. i think... um....cats? no dogs?

    haha i'm not sure! great question

    i know dogs are super smart and train well and long for companionship

    while cats are also super smart and they potty train SO much easier but they don't catch on to tricks but i think they do it on pURPOSE because they don't care about tricks and doing weird things like shaking paws haha

    so i'm going to go with cats! i hope nobody shoots me for this! i love both equally =)

  10. cats. and cats are more civilized too

  11. the specific animals are difficult to compare.

    it depends on the individual cat or dog.

  12. answers would depend on what the person likes so ur on ur own

  13. DOGGIES!

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