
Which is a better buy? 1999 porsche carrera 4 or a 2002 bmw m3 cab?

by  |  earlier

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they both cost the same. me my sisters have pitched in enough money to buy a car. my sisters want the bimmer because they say its newer, better looking, topless, and backseats actually work for ppl to sit in.

i say get the porsche carrera 4 soupe because im a guy(lol), its a fu.c.king PORSCHE and its all wheel drive woupe so its good for winter too, here in toronto our winters get brutal and cars get stuck.

my dad says bimmer because he says he thinks the 911 looks like a mouse.

which one do u think and y?

which one of those cars are faster by the way?

if it was ur pick would u choose it with more logic ( i guess thats the bimmer) or more emotion( PoRsChE)?

thanks alot




  1. M3 is probably more practical and less trouble, but do what you want...a good example of either is better than an abused lemon.

  2. On video games, the BMW M3 is way better than the Porsche Carrera. The Porsche's steering is too light. So that' s why I recommend the M3.

  3. i would choos e the porshe i think its nice and not many ppl  say i have a porshe but go with whatevr u think good luck and hopefully u get ur porshe

  4. i vote for the 911, your gona get more trim with the exotic porsche not a hopped up 3 series...

  5. I would go with the 911.. the M3 looks old anyways. with the new 3series which just came out.

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