
Which is a better career? Physical Therapist? Occupational Therapist?

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I'm very fickle about deciding once and for all on a major and everything. I'm fairly certain that I want to be in the health field, and I'm currently enrolled for Health and Sciences, which is broad and helps prepare for more schooling. I don't know whether I'd like Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy more. Or even recreational Therapy. I'm just going by a career aptitude test I took a while ago, and all of those are listed.. along with Chiropractor. and others. I know nursing isn't for me already. Anyone have some advice? I haven't even been in a health setting really because I've never been sick with anything. BAH!




  1. Perhaps volunteering as well as job shadowing/observing in those fields (occupational, physical, recreational therapy/therapeutic recreation) people from various ages and populations (mental health, geriatrics, pediatrics and such) can help direct one down a certain career path.  Both PT and OT can be mentally and physically strenuous as my cousin went to school for occupational therapy assistant.  I'm not too sure about rec therapy, but I would think that the person would most likely have to 'be on' a lot of the time when doing activity groups as with OT where therapists lead groups.  

    General career info: and can search 'occupational therapists', 'physical therapists', 'recreational therapists' or such.

    For possible volunteer opportunities:

  2. Both are excellent careers.  The difference is in some intricacies.  I would say that as an OT, you have to understand psychology more deeply than PT and in PT, you have to understand the hard sciences better.  

    As an OT, you will work with people not just for upper body or hand problems, but also for cognitive tasks, writing, sensory disorders etc.

    As a PT, you will focus much more on movement related problems of the entire body...and although you make work with individuals with cognitive impairments, it's not your focus to address these as much as movement.  

  3. occupational is a rewording Field and pays well

  4. Ok this is a simple answer.  I hope that you read this and understand it.  I have been two out of the three.  I am currently a physical therapist and was before that a recreational therapist.  I work with many occupational therapists.  Is it at all about how much school you want to do or even about money?  To be an OT or a PT it will require you to get a higher education than a bachelors.  This is important to understand because despite the fact that they do the same amount of schooling the PT generally makes more money.  Job satisfaction depends on what you like.  I could see finding job satisfaction in both.  I like being a PT and I love the money.  If it is about schooling try Recreation therapy because whether or not you get a masters in the program their is a good chance you will be paid the same.  You can make up to 25 dollars an hour however $16 is more likely.  so PT and OT = more school, but the PT you will like your job I think but will get paid more for it.  TR not as much pay but school is a little easier on you.  When I was a Rec. therapist I just wanted something more so I went back.  If you do the PT route get that physics and chemistry taken care of now!!!!!! Don't wait like I did.  Some of the people I went to school with for PT actually changed their major to chemistry because it helps with entry in to PT school IF you get good grades.  That should help.  I obviously favor PT but I would do RT before OT  

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