
Which is a better choice of big screen tv lcd or dlp , i do not want a plasma.?

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Which is a better choice of big screen tv lcd or dlp , i do not want a plasma.?




  1. Make sure you look at the dlp's from different angles at the store.  Even off slightly from straight on and they fade and don't look good at all.  I would not own one if they were even cheaper.  Sometimes I'm viewing my lcd from a 45 degree angle - try that with a dlp.

  2. Depends on what you mean by big screen. DLP big screens are cheaper on the very large end of things (larger than 52"). With an LCD, you get a very bright and sharp image with a large angle of view (you can still see the picture if you're sitting off to the side of the screen). DLP big screens are cheaper compared to LCDs of the same size for very large screens. DLPs work by using a very bright light bulb to project the image onto a screen. This bulb can be replaced if needed. With an LCD, once it breaks you'll have to replace the whole thing.

    Which technology is better can be debated until the cows come home and depend greatly on your,, and

    Also it depends on what purpose you plan to use the TV.

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