
Which is a better choice?

by Guest32683  |  earlier

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I'm getting a used car but I'm not sure which one to buy. I have it narrowed down to a 2002 RAV4 for $13,000 with 85,000 miles on it or a 2004-2005 jeep liberty for around $12,500 with 62,000 miles on it. I know that toyota has a good reputation, however I know nothing about jeeps. Which one should I get?




  1. id take the jeep, the rav-4 ,s gave a lot of problems and wasn't as dependable as the jeep was,i got friend that has an 04 liberty with well over 300 thousand on it and its still going real good with no problems from it,he travels a lot for an insurance company,you,ll get better service from the jeep ,good luck.

  2. personally i prefer the jeep. my mother has a jeep grand cherokee. and it works fine at over 100,000 miles. if u dont mind gas prices. toyota gets a lil better gas .

  3. This is an interesting question. I have a daughter that chooses cars because they are "cute". It is refreshing to see a young lady trying to choose a vehicle because of reliability.

    I checked both vehicles through Consumer reports and was quite impressed with the reliability of the RAV4. I know so little about them because I have never owned or worked on one. The only concern I found had to do with programming software on the engine controller. But I am guessing if the vehicle belongs to its' original owner, they have had the proper repairs made through Toyota under warranty.

    But this doesn't say the Liberty is a bad vehicle. In fact, Consumer Reports gave it an 8.7 out of a possible 10. Apparently the drivers who reported on the Liberty weren't overly impressed with Interior and Quality. However they weren't unimpressed enough to give it an 87% rating.

    So now you are left to decide which one fits you. If you plan on owning it for the next few years, you need to ask yourself a couple things. What do you see yourself behind the wheel of for the next 3 years? How easily is it going to be to resell this vehicle in 3 years? 3 years from now, when you are making your last payment, are you going to be happy with what you have paid for.

    Enjoy your ride, whichever you choose

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