
Which is a better school, Cal Arts or Juilliard?

by Guest67049  |  earlier

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Which is a better school, Cal Arts or Juilliard?




  1. not even in the same league!!!

    go to julliard if you can get in

  2. Part of it depends upon what you're looking for.  Obviously, Juilliard is in a far better town in which to view other performers, especially one of international stature.  Yet Cal Arts, in many fields, is far more adventurous and interesting than the more traditional (though excellent) instruction at Juilliard.  More than anything, it comes down to your field.  Violin performance?  Probably Juilliard.  Ensemble theatre performance?  Probably Cal Arts.  No one institution will meet your criteria in every field.

  3. Juilliard is probably one of the hardest schools to get into, given that you need natural talent etc it trumps out MIT and Harvard.  however, CalArts, despite being much less competitive, is a great school.  Many of my friends go there, and many of them have great jobs upon graduating.  you make alot of connections there, and the environment is great for all artists.  Think about how much you are willing to put into your music, and if you get into both, let that dictate where you go.  otherwise, jsut apply to both, and then go wherever you get accepted.

  4. Cal arts is much easier to get into, and is cheaper. I'd reccomend it if you're going in as a freshman.  

    But hands down, Juilliard is the better school, but good luck getting in. The competition is cutthroat

  5. Julliard.

    Answer mine plz?

  6. I would pick Juilliard just for the atmosphere - there is nothing like being in NYC studying the arts. Pax-C

  7. I would say Juliard, it is a very high qualified outstanding performing arts school. Many great artists have gone there. but Cal Arts also as far as I know, isn't as expensive, but it depends on what you are looking for. The fact that you mentioned Julliard means you want something in performing arts. Correct if I'm wrong. But they are both good, but Julliard is one of the top, I hope this helped. Good luck!

    I myself am looking at colleges.

  8. Julliard.  I live less than a mile from CalArts and know several people who have gone there.  Julliard is better.

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