
Which is a better team in this tournament , bangladesh or pakistan?

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where are the hindu haters today , you were all saying pakistan is a better team than India just after winning that fluke match in bangladesh!

everyday is not sunday boys!

come and answer , why hindu team is better than your islamic fundamentalist boys !




  1. Pakistan

  2. wow, are you a stupid teenager or a lonely fat guy who likes typing c**p on internet?

    Get a life you loser.

  3. pakistan is betta than bangladesh but its is one of the best questions i saw today including the one i asked...

    but anywayz

    pakistan could be defeated coz bangladesh and pakistan have both won one match each and both with two other team which dont play in the world cup

    hong kong and united arab emirates

    so there is a 50 % chance for both to win

  4. Muslims are not Hindu haters - you got it wrong - it is the other way around.

    If Irfan Yusuf Zaheer or Kaif were not in team than you will be very happy!!!

  5. pakistan is the best because they better player and bowler bangladesh they are ok team no good bowler or batsmen they matches by having miracle

  6. Infact,..Pakistan is ranked  higher in,..ICC rating ,.. than Bangladesh~

  7. pak

  8. Pakistan is better than Bangladesh

  9. we can see that when they meet in next match

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