
Which is a greater an increasxe in temperatures of 1 degree Celsius or 1 degree Fahrenheit?

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  1. 1 degree Celsius.  For example water boils at 100 deg C or 212 deg F.

  2. one degree C is almost twice as big as one degree F.

    To convert, add two times the Celcius temperature to 32 degrees - that will give the the temp Fahrenheit.

    To go backwards, subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temp, then divide by two.

  3. Some years ago before the US chickened-out of converting to the Metric System, it was pointed out that 1 Degree F was more accurate than 1 Degree C because of its smaller size.

    Then some brilliant mind pointed out that if Degrees C were reported in half-degree increments, then a Degree change in C would actually be more accurate.

    Luckily, we didn't change and there are still 12 inches to the foot; three feet (or 36 inches) to the yard and 5,280 feet to the mile.

    I refuse to find out how many yards are in a mile.

    Helio "But how many pecks are there in a bushel -- and how many hectares in a furlong?" Centrist

    (Inquiring minds don't care.)

  4. 1°C = 1.8 °F   and

    1 °F = 5/9 °C

    so °C is a greater increase.

    In other words:

    1 ° Celsius = 274 Kelvin

    1 ° Fahrenheit = 256 Kelvin

  5. Eva answered correctly

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