
Which is a harder sport to play:Softball or Baseball?

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baseball against softball...which is a harder sport and why




  1. fyi.... softball is a faster game than baseball because of the shorter distance of it is equally hard, I THINK

    cuz in baseball the ball is smaller and obviously pitched faster, but has a lot of time to get to you...where as in softball the ball is bigger and pitched slower but has a shorter distance to reach you...

    also i personally think a ball can be hit rather harder with a composite bat than a wooden one.

    and last, in baseball usually they are out by alot (sometimes) and in softball almost every play is steps or seconds off of being safe or OUT!!!

    so in my opinion the games are equally hard depending on how you look at it!!!

  2. well it's baseball the ball comes at a much faster speed, so that means less reaction time and plus they can throw you a variaty of pitches. curve ball, sinker, fastball, change up, splitter....but in softball when you hit the ball, no matter how hard you try it's not guna go as far as you want it to if you want distance softball is harder, but if you want contact baseball is harder.

  3. i play softball and personally, i think baseball is harder. the ball is smaller and the feild is bigger

  4. i play softball now and i have played baseball before when my guy cousins team needed an extra player and they allowed girls to play. personally, i think that softball is harder...that is my opinion...

  5. baseball cause the ball is moving way faster and is smaller

  6. theres two sides of this..BASEBALL is a smaller ball so its harder to make contact with once you hit it it goes alot farther so its alot easier to hit homeruns the bases are  farther apart so the feilders also have longer reaction time. SOFTBALL bigger ball easier to make contact harder to hit far bases are closer together so not only do the runners have to be fast to become safe but the feilders have to react alot faster..and basebllas arent technically pitched faster beacuse pro boys pitch froma certain distnace at say 98 miles an hour and pro girls pitch from 32 ft at 70+ miles an both batters have about the same reaction time to hit girls may have less thoguh in some cases

  7. baseball because the ball is smaller

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