
Which is a more chid fiendly place to visit and why? Hawaii or Palma De Mallorca?

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my son is two and has a short fuse nad needs entertainment to keep busy...whuch would you perfer




  1. I am not quite sure what you are asking.  However if you plan to visit these locations, Hawaii is very child friendly.  Make a plan and visit their internet sites.  Alot of the resort areas have alot of child/toddler friendly personel. They keep them busy with all kinds of adventures while you and the hubby can enjoy yourselves as well...without worry.  I lived there for over 6 years and alot of resorts offer many exciting activities for the youngsters to enjoy.  I lived on the Big Island and for a fact the waikoloa resort area offers these services.  I would recommend that you research the, or the sites to get more information.  Honestly, I am not familier with Palma De Mallorca.....Good Luck.

  2. Having been to both, I'd go with Hawaii. Maui specifically. - Check the hotels that have child activity groups before you go.

    (A change of diet might be recommended for his behaviour problem.)

    Hawaii for Hawaiians! Mahalo

  3. Hawaii definately, there are more family oriented activities and the people are a lot friendlier. hope you go there

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