
Which is an example of a fuel that produces less pollution than gasoline?

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c.natural gas

d.all of the answers are correct




  1. salt water

  2. Well that's a vague question.  What kind of pollution are they talking about?  Where is the hydrogen coming from?  What kind of ethanol?

    I'm sure the answer they're looking for is D, but it's a poorly worded question.

  3. All three if burned properly in a well tuned engine will only produce CO2 and water vapor.

  4. actually only a& c are marginally correct.the run off into the mississippi watershed from the politically motivated increased production of corn in the midwest has already  increased the dead zone in the gulf to an unprecedented size & its growing at an alarming rate.

    air pollution is not the only kind of pollution we have to worry about.

  5. a will be better when compare to all the three..

  6. It depends on your veiw of CO2.

    If you see Carbon Dioxide as a pollutant, then you should try not to burn b and c.  

    If your Hydrogen is made with electrical energy from a coal burning source (or oil, natural gas, ethanol, or other hydrocarbon combustion), it is not really clean.  If the ethanol is requiring more energy to be made that it produces, it could easily be the worst choice.

    Finding a way not to burn the fuel is the best, but if you can get electricity from a renewable source like solar or wind and make Hydrogen that's pretty awesome for lowering pollution.

  7. A is the correct answer, because combustion of hydrogen yields water vapor.  All others are hydrocarbons and cannot achieve perfect combustion.  The only way hydrogen can "cause" more pollution is during the sourcing process.  If getting the pure hydrogen causes pollution, that has to be counted against the environmental impact of the fuel...

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