
Which is best, home schooling, private schooling or public and why?

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which is the best way for children and even adults, seniors and toddlers to get an education?




  1. There is no one best way.  The method of education you choose depends on the unique needs of your child and your family.  

  2. There isn't a "best" for society.  There is a "best" for each individual person, but it really depends on the individual.  

    For my son, it's homeschooling; for his cousin, it's public schooling.  For some kids in his Scout troop, it's private schooling.  

    It all depends on the individual needs, the family, and the schools that are available.  There really is no one answer to that question.

  3. There is no one best way for everyone to learn. It's impossible to answer your question at face value, as even within a single private or public schools the quality and methods of teaching vary.

    Furthermore, you'd be hard pressed to find a consensus about what constitutes a good education.  

  4. i agree with miss mara. i've done home schooling all my life. (8th grader) it focuses more on the child than in a whole classroom. plus i don't exactly agree on everything public school teaches.but that's my own personal opinion.  

  5. I don't think there is a "best" for everybody; but for my family it was home school.  Home school offers a far superior education and much more opportunity for socialization.  Public school does not offer real socialization, it is forced socialization.  In real life do you only socialize with 25 other people your own age who live in your neighborhood?  If someone does they are the ones who are socially inept.  Home schoolers socialize with all types of people from all walks of life.  As far as the quality of education home schoolers far outscore their public school peers on standard testing.  They are offered individual attention and can go at their own pace.  If they catch on quickly they move on more quickly; but if they have problems they are allowed to spend as much time as needed on a subject.  Home schooled kids are taught to think, not just memorize standard answers.  They are not bullied or ridiculed when they don't know something.  Also a home schooled child has a much better chance of getting into the college of their choice; as colleges actively seek out home schooled students.    

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