
Which is best Skype or Magic Jack?

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Which is best Skype or Magic Jack?




  1. If you are OK with using a headset then Yahoo Voice is a much better product than Skype.

    If you are looking at using a normal telephone then magicJack is better.  With magicJack the computer has to be on to receive and make calls. Skype can be used without having the computer on but the initial cost to setup is very steep.

    Another way to do this is to buy a cheap unlocked ATA from e-bay and then subscribe to a VOIP service which allows you to BYOD (Bring your own device).

  2. My Favorite VOIP: Yahoo Voice

    I use Yahoo Voice and love it.  The calls are clear and can be recharged any time I choose.  You also have the option of creating an auto-recharge onto a credit card so that you don't run out of minutes.  You can just use a headset or you can purchase a phone that works with VOIP, as well, so that you're not tied to your computer.



    Skype has the benefit of integrating their calling buttons into any screen on your computer that has a phone number on it.  But, that's also a problem, like when you need to copy and paste the number, it won't copy properly because of the Skype button.  I tried to turn off that feature for Skype, but was unable to.  It was as if the software had taken over my computer.  I uninstalled it.



    My profile contains a link to my blog.  I listed details and am continuing to update progress on problems with Magic Jack.  I also included links to other complaints about it, as well.

    I just ordered Magic Jack after seeing their infomercial about the Free 30 Day Trial.  This was NOT REALLY FREE, they charged my bank account right away and sent me an email AFTER they did it.  I am still within the 30 day trial period.  I am working on returning it, but they are not easy to contact.

    Here's a copy of the email they sent me after they had already taken my order:

    From: "" <>

    To: x*x

    Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 10:34:09 AM

    Subject: magicJack Order#: x*x Confirmation

    Important: Please reply to this email right away if you want any modifications from your order below, so we can ship your magicjack right away. You do not have to take any action if you do not want to make any changes. Please refer all tech questions to the link below when you get your magicJack. Thank you so much and your magicJack is on it's way. Dan Borislow The Inventor

    Dear x*x,

    Great News. Your 2008 Product of the Year - magicJack, is on its way to you; get ready to start making Free Local and Long Distance calls and get a Local Phone number for Life.

    Free Trial Jacks will not be billed to your credit card until the **30 Day Free Trial expires. We will however place an authorization on your credit card (may appear as "pending charge") for the free trial. If you don't love the magicjack (we know you will), simply return it within thirty days - no questions asked.

    Order No.:  x*x

                             Reference ID:  x*x

                 Total magicJacks Ordered:  1

    Order Shipping Information

                            Customer Name:  xxxx

                                Address 1:  xxxx

                                Address 2:  

                         City, State, Zip:  x*x, GA  30xxx

                                  Country:  United States


    Order Summary

    Qty                     Item Description                     Price Ea     Total Price    Charge Date

    -----   ----------------------------------------...   ----------   -------------   -----------

        1   30 Day magicJack Trial                                   39.95           39.95     07/28/2008

        1   Shipping & Handling                                       6.95            6.95     07/28/2008


                                                                 ORDER TOTAL:       $46.90

                       Your credit card will be charged on or after the

                        following date(s) for the amounts listed below

                        Date: 07/28/2008  Charge Amount:       $46.90

    Important: Please save this email for thirty days as it contains your Order Number

    Some useful information:

    You may check on the status of your order at any time by clicking here Order Status and entering your email address and order number. For your convenience, these have been included in this link.

    For questions regarding technical information click here Technical Help and a representative will assist you. Please note that this link is specifically for technical issues (not for order/billing information - see above for order/billing inquiries).

    ** Attention: Debit Card users

    If you used a debit card, we will pre-authorize the amount of your invoice. The card will not be charged during the thirty day trial. However, your bank may place a hold on these amounts. Please be certain that there are sufficient funds for this authorization. Please click here if you would like to change your method of payment or if you can not currently use your debit card for these authorizations. You may also respond to this email and reduce the amount of items you ordered.

    Congratulations, enjoy your savings.

    Yours truly,



    Hope this helps you and others.

    Check out my blog for updates on progress with resolving this issue.

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