
Which is best alternative-energy?

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Water, Bio Fuel, Wind, Solar, Electricity etc..?




  1. Cow poo seems like it posses all the necessary components to qualify as an alternative fuel....(think about it).

  2. Air is the best... totally zero emission... (

  3. I would have to say wind because as pollution grows in the atmosphere sun light will become less and water is very limited as to location and that is for electricity to you home. Bio Fuel is going to work for the auto ind.

  4. Solar. As long as the sun exists you'll never have to worry about it running out. Also, if you have some solar panels hooked up to your house your electricity meter will run backwards and the electric company pays you for power.

  5. there is no one answer.

    It takes a combination of wind, solar, wave, coal, nuclear, oil, hydro, and more to make things work.

    Bio fuel actually takes more energy to make than it produces.  When you look at the total product  stream it pollutes the most.

  6. Nuclear.

  7. The arc reactor in Iron Man

  8. Seems kind of important to exploit all of them so that we dont wind up in the same boat in the future that we're in today.

  9. the answer isn't a single source - a diverse diet is required for our energy needs.  We do (and should) exploit every energy source we can, both traditional and alternative.

    As for the spirit of your question, as of right now, ethanol is the only thing that isn't oil that I can put in my car that works.

    As for the future, all of these have promise, but water to hydrogen, wind and solar power all should be strong.

  10. It all depends on where you live To me though as soon as we solve the waist problem of Nuceler it will be the best

  11. Each of these alternative methods of producing useful energy is good in it's own way. There is no single source that can solve all our energy needs.  All of these and more sources of energy will need to be improved dramatically over the next few decades.

    Water running down hill has been a very useful source of energy for a long time.  I believe the early Egyptians used it thousands of years ago.  When one is close to a source of running water like a river or stream this can be a very good source of energy.  The Earth's population is not distributed equivalently near such sources and such sources are limited in the energy content available.

    Bio Fuel has been used even longer than moving water.  Unlike petroleum based fuels Bio Fuels the generation of Bio Fuels removes as much CO2 from the air as it eventually reintroduces.  Until recently Bio Fuels have been in solid form.  Liquid forms of Bio Fuel are more easily made to replace the petroleum based fuels that we currently use in vehicles than solid forms.  The focus on liquid Bio Fuels has resulted in the use of land that would otherwise be used to produce food.  

    Wind and Solar energy conversion technologies are not always available and therefore must be used in new ways either in conjunction with other sources or through the use of new methods of storing energy for later uses.  Neither of these methods of making useful energy available contributes to the excess CO2 problems we are currently experiencing.

    Electricity is not a source of energy in the sense that the other items have.  It is a method of distributing energy that has the benefit of not contributing to the CO2 levels where the Electric energy is used to perform tasks.  Any of the above sources of energy can be used to produce Electricity.

    There are other sources of energy that were not mentioned in your question.  

    Conventional Nuclear power plants have problems disposing of the spent fuel.  The technology of recycling the spent fuel for reuse is also the technology that could produce nuclear bombs.  The movement of the spent fuel to disposal sites is an action that could result in an accident anywhere along the route of travel.  It in addition would expose the area where the reprocessing work is done to the possibility of some very toxic accident.

    Hydrogen fusion may be possible as a source of energy.  The rate of energy creation is so large that probably it needs to be done far from human habitation.  The middle of the ocean makes sense.  That location would also provide an almost unlimited source of water to transform into Hydrogen and Oxygen that can later be used as fuels anywhere on the world.  Electrical power could also be generated to power relatively fixed location needs for energy.

  12. water

  13. There is a draw back to all of these. .like there is to

    Water is great/...we have an abundance to it. We can run a car on water.

    However, there is no commercial value to selling water as a fuel source.

    Bio Fuel has the same issues of may be using a food source for fuel and cause other related items to increase in price.

    Wind is a weird one. Environmentalist fight environmentalist about wind energy ....they can kill birds.

    Solar is great but in months like December and January cannot be relied upon. You need another source. PLus the harness equipment is expensive. A solar system can cost tens of thousand of dollars.

    Despite the cost, I would invest in this system.

  14. bio fuel.. isn't better.. period..

    solar or water would be good..

  15. I like to call it (GGPPM) Global Green Personal Power Machines an energy system that uses rechargeable batteries to stop and start, an a air powered, self-propelled, mobile power plant, to power the electric engine. Giving us clean unlimited energy production, be it for a car, plane, semi, suv, truck, or train! GGPPM will make power to run anything, anywhere, any day or night as long as you can keep it charged up by moving faster than 26 mile per hour, longer than you are stopped and using power. The hard idea is to get the manufacturers to make them! Not showing the world how to turn there old gas powered - into an electric powered.

  16. Solar

  17. loius 88

    Read on brother!

    Aircar powered by compressed air.

    compressed air that is electrically generated from electricity that  comes from plants that burn fossil fuels.

    Does not add up!

  18. Methane. We create a great deal of methane released by our own sewage systems. It is over 20 times more of a global warming gas than CO2. Also, it is bubbling up from below the 1600 foot level off California, where it is trapped in ice. That source alone is enough energy for the next 20,000 years.

  19. it should depend on what area of the country you live in, each is easier to get in certain parts of the USA. No one is better than the other...

  20. ahah

  21. nothing will beat the simplicity of the bicycle

    btw we can never be completely green

  22. they all have their pros and cons... im 13 in the 8th grade and we did a project about this.

    i was asigned wind and solar...

    depending on you budget u can choose, and wat best fits ur home.

    there are two parts to solar...

    passive and active...

    passive doesnt use panels and is more affordable but less consistant.

    active uses panels (which are pricey) and u would also have to pay for the instalation of them.. but other than that they are great...

    as for wind.

    u would need a wind turbine.. which is expensive.

    with the wind turbine.. u would also have to monitor how fast its turning so that it doesnt break..

    Bio fuel. i dont know much about but i know the process

    so if ur interested .. it uses a domino-effect.

    they use uranium 256 ( or something like that )

    they shoot a proton into the uranium with burst and fires 3 more protons into more uranium with produces heat...

    the heat heats up water and from there it blows of hot air

    please pick mine as the best lol.

    ive been dieing to b chosen as a best answer

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