
Which is best among Computer science and electrical and electronics branch and why?

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which is the best for taking engineering branch?




  1. It all depend's upon your field of interest. How ever Electronics and communication engineering is the best one as on date. Since communiction field is expanding like any thing. Communication is the basic thing. By joining electronic and communication engineering you can also study about computer science. In computer science they deal only with soft ware, Where as in ECE you will study about communucatin, processor and satilite communication and soft ware also.

  2. It all depands on your own interest, you know if you like computers and want to be in IT field, Yes Computers will do for you. But if you have Electrical or electronics and you want to go for IT sector, you can do that.

    So in short it doesn't matter which branch you are in . it all depands on your skills. just sit and think what do you want to do, according to that start preparing yourself.

  3. It's depends on you.

    Electronic requires more abstract thinking and more effort to practice, but if you do, you will have a broad field to chose, both in electronics and in IT. Choosing Computer you field will narrow to IT only, but IT is bast in itself.

  4. This is the thumb rule that I recommend to prospective students: If you love focusing deeper and deeper into solving a problem, choose electronics/electrical. If you like having a broader perspective of problems around you, chose CSE. If you select a career that suits your nature, you will be more likely to love your job and hence put your best into it and realize a successful career.

    The so touted "option" of non-IT job prospects is a myth.. This is because if you are an ECE engineer and not capable enough to get a low-end IT job, you are unlikely to get into a mechanical/electrical/electronics job (that earns a salary nearly as good as the low-end IT job and can as well feed yourself/family in a city like Mumbai/Bangalore). Finally, remember - being a workshop mechanic doesn't really require you to be a mechanical engineer. So the guy who told he finally could get into a great non-IT job maynot be telling the whole truth.

    What is taught in engineering is NOT like Java/C/C++. It is quite different from what is usially taught at "outside institutes".. Learning to ride an elephant is different from learning to walk with it without fear (or even climb on it). Both have the elephant in the picture and it may look the same when you are on top of the elephant..

    Now coming to the psychology of recruiters: A good amount of the mass jobs in India's top IT companies doesn't really require even engineering skills. So a non-CSE engineer who is trained by the company is more likely to be satisfied on the job than a CSE engineer because CSE engineer may come with higher expectations about the job and hence is more likely to feel dissatisfied. Remember, expectations play a major role in realizing job satisfaction and a more satisfied employee has a higher likelihood of performing better on the job, when the background expertise required is the same. This is the reason why a Mech/Civil/EEE/ECE engineer is sometimes preferred vs. CSE engineer for many of the mass jobs. **[DISCLAIMER: This is purely my personal opinion based on my personal observations and my little life experience and maynot be true for students graduating from non-top engg colleges like IIT/NIT/...] The question of whether you want to take a non-CSE branch primarily due to the above reason is solely left to you..

  5. EEE has a broader outlook than CSE.i hv taken up ECE rathr dan CSE cz job prospcts r more 4 EEE or ECE ppl

  6. In these to EEE is better. because whatever branch you study you can go software Industry, using .net, java,VB,Oracle,SAP,etc.

    you can learn it in 2 - 6 months .

    after completing EEE,  you will have 2 option

    1.electrical department

    2.Computer department

    if you choose CSE, you have one option only.

  7. Go for electrical and electronics.....

    coz the courses that are taught at coll in CSE can even be done outside....(networking,c,c++,java,html..... name it and u can learn it.....

    but u cant find institutes or coaching centers that give u the concepts or coaching for subjects in  EEE  

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