
Which is best for the env?

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Which is better for the env. allowing big SUVs to sit in traffic and puke out smog or be allowed in the carpool lane so they dont spend as much time with their engines running? I think we all know the answer and what should be...but I just wanna hear your feedback.




  1. Are those the only two choices? What about using a bicycle? Walking? Taking a bus? Staying at home?

  2. Car pool lane. Better would be Solar Power though this could be good for the economy. Were people to vote in politicians interested in Solar Power in elections for Mayor, that sort of thing if not already done  might help. Then if this suggestion does not offend posters about Solar Power made from recycled paper distributed throughout cities towns advertising Solar Powered cars at prices which are easy for people to but at. A Public Solar Power version of Henry Ford without the less pleasant overtones of Henry Ford's Anti-Semitism.

  3. If we allow SUVs in carpool lanes, the carpool lanes will be clogged up and move as slowly as the other lanes.

    The carpool lane encourages people to carpool and/or buy hybrids.  Thus prohibiting SUVs and other single-person non-hybrids from the carpool lane is better for the environment.

  4. If people who lived in town ride the buses it would be better.  Only drive or ride in a car if you really have to.

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