
Which is best to limit... carbs, fats, or calories?

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Suppose that your lack of will power made you only able to concentrate on one of those problem areas at a time. *Cough cough* So if you could only pick one to limit or cut-out of your diet, which would you pick?

In other words, which one is the least of the 3 evils?




  1. You want both carbs and fat in your diet. But there are good carbs and fats, and bad ones. I would take out anything from your diet that isn't very healthy. Bad fats are mostly those derived from animals, and of course any trans fat or fats in processed food aren't good. Use olive oil in cooking where you would use butter, soy milk instead of milk, and eat as little meat as possible. Reduce the bad fats in your diet. Also reduce any bad carbs like processed snack crackers, or anything sugary (pancakes, cookies). Really, if you just eliminate processed food from your diet you'd be doing a lot toward losing weight and being healthier. I think that the key to being healthy is making sure most of the food you are eating is wholesome and healthy, rather than counting calories. After all, you could eat 1500 calories a day but have them all be from one meal at McDonalds, or you could eat 2,000 a day and have them be from healthy, nourishing foods.  

  2. Carbs, if you want to loose weight. Carbs are proven the main source of putting on fat. You want to limit the fat too, but the main thing is carbs.

  3. Calories:

    Because they include everything.

    This is how those diet meal programs work. They give you all those foods you love in portions that you are too lazy to figure out.

    Limit the calories and you limit everything without omitting anything.

  4. i would choose fat because i actually am already eating carbs in moderation..i dont trust calorie counting(i dont even trust in its existence!)...all the fats in my diet are mainly good fats...

  5. go easy on saturated fats  the carbs we use for energy so if you are exercising you will need carbs

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