
Which is better, Dry or Canned?

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Hey, can you guys answer something for me?

I JUST rescued a kitten from the pet store and i was wondering what food is better, Dry or canned? i eventually went with the canned because i thought that such a young cat needs softer food. is this alright to be feeding him? He is about 5-6 weeks old. oh and can he drink people milk? willl a little hurt him or is it okay?

Thanks for the help..

OH, one more thing, he hasnt used his litter box since we got him, which was two days ago. iknow he has to be going somewher else but how can i train him to use it without locking him in my bathroom.

any help will be appreciated... Miley<3




  1. Most cats are lactose intolerant, so cow&#039;s milk may cause upsets.  You DON&#039;T want that, and neither does kitty.  Hard to say who would feel worse.

    You can buy something called kitten replacement milk, or make your own:

    The link above will also tell you how to stimulate him to poo and pee.  Basically stroke his privates with a damp cloth or cotton ball.  I don&#039;t have a clue how to litterbox train - but I&#039;m willing to bet you&#039;ll find something on that website.

    Canned food is better.  You made the right choice!  Cats don&#039;t need dry food.  It doesn&#039;t clean their teeth.  It contains (of necessity) more filler items.  It leaves them dehydrated.  The high carb content of many can lead to diabetes and other disorders.  Stick with canned.

  2. Canned/wet food is better by far, not just for kittens but adult cats too. The reason is, in the wild, cats normally get most of their water content directly from their prey items and drink very little. Domestic cats are no different, and because of the fact that they are designed to take in water with their meal, they have a very low thirst drive. Cats often just don&#039;t drink enough. This leads to urinary tract infections and crystals. The bit about dry food being better for teeth is a myth and has not been proven in the least. Canned/wet food is better because it more closely mimics the cat&#039;s natural diet. More on why canned food is best:  (Excellent cat nutrition information by a vet)

    Do not give cows milk!

  3. for a cat either or

  4. we tend to mix and match one week dry one week wet, dry maket their S**t stink wet makes their breath stink! also always having isn&#039;t great for them in the long run.

  5. canned is good if your cat is sick and is not eating but you should go to dry food when the cat is better

  6. Dry food is definitely better for cats. It keeps their teeth nice and sharp.

    Make sure you are getting KITTEN food for him because it has all the important nutrients that a growing cat needs. If you know what kind of food they were feeding him at the pet store, go along with that. If you choose to switch brands, take some of his old food and over 4 days mix it with the new type of food so that he gets used to it. After four days you can completely switch over. Cats are very sensitive to change so you need to make sure you don&#039;t do things too quickly.

    When your kitten is 1 year old, you can start feeding him adult food.

    *Cats can only drink GOAT milk, as they are lactose intolerant to cow&#039;s milk.*

    What you should have done as you as you got him was to put him in the litter box [which was already set up] the second he came home. Its OK if he doesn&#039;t take a dump right away because he is probably frightened or scared. Keep showing him where the litterbox is so he remembers that its where his business is to be done. Make sure you put his litterbox in a dark, secretive place so that he feels he has his privacy.

    If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me.

    Good luck [:


  8. NO will end up with diarrhea, cats are actually lactose intolerent beileve it or not, if its a very young kitten the stores have kitten milk replacer, but canned food is good when he gets older dry is great with a little bit of canned daily which can help prevent formation of crystals in urine later in life, as far as the litter box, try and find the stool he has passed and put it in the box and show him, he will get it...dont worry

  9. Get him some dry kitten food. It is made especially for kittens so he should be able to chew it. You could also give him the canned food. Most of the people I know and myself feed their cats both. As for milk in moderation it&#039;s ok, but cats can be lactose intolerant so make sure it doesn&#039;t give him diarrhea. To help with litter training, take him to the litter box a few times so that he knows what it is. If you do find a spot where he has gone, put the litter box there.

    Good luck!

  10. I think that canned food is definitely better.  

    This question has been asked many times and I found these best answers helpful.  Read them if you want more info on why canned is better than dry.;...;...;...;...

    Also, cow milk is bad for cats.

  11. dry

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