
Which is better, an inexperienced Presidential candidate with an experienced VP or the opposite?

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Vice Presidents do almost nothing, especially compared to the president. Even advice to the president is minimal. (that is why the president has a cabinet) Apparently liberals do no know this, saying it is "Hypocritical" for republicans to worry about Obama's experience.

Let me guess... "McCain is 72", "VP's sometimes become president", "Obama has more experience than Palin", "Obama makes better judgements" or some senseless attack on Palin. These are all NOT answers to the question.




  1. Well, for me there is one other dimension to take into

    I would prefer the most inexperienced Republican over the most experienced democrat anytime. And not because I think the Republicans are so great, but because I know the democrats are soooooo bad for this country.

  2. I would rather have the experienced president first and cross my fingers that the vp wasn't needed than have it the other way around.

    Barack Hussein, " what, here in georgia?, how did they get past our satellights to the east coast without being noticed?. "

  3. Vice Presidents are important...they are the President of the Senate.  They cast a tie breaking vote in the senate.  How can  you say that duty isn't important?  A VP is usally selected off of many credentials, one being if he/she is seen as fit to serve as a president and a legislator.  So, remind me again how the VP is unimporant, when in fact, they have a lot of power?

  4. "Vice Presidents do almost nothing".......really?.....ever heard of d**k Cheney?.....I guess he had nothing to do with advising fearless leader.....or building, and selling the Iraq war.....I suppose Cheney just sat in his office and did crossword puzzles?......

  5. what do vice Presidents become if something happens to the President?  HA....PRESIDENT

  6. I hear  Obama can do this or can do that but I would like to know what has he done so far,can someone tell me a few of the things he has done since being in the senate?

  7. Seeing the types of politicians we have had in the last 30 years experience has not helped very much. Maybe we need a new type and a  VP who is different than most politician might be refreshing. Nothing will change or get better until we get new blood and maybe it is time for term limits for all of them. Peace  

  8. Other than preside over the Senate without a vote, there is no specific job description for VP.   That means the real description is basically to do "Whatever the President wants them to do."

    With Palin, I think one can foresee quite a role.  She has executive experience, so she knows how to get things done. I can see her being given more important tasks than just attending funerals.

    With Biden, I'm not so sure what he'd be doing.  I don't know that he's ever been in charge of anything, even a lemonade stand.  36 years in the Senate means he's probably worked on a lot of committees, but even chairing committees is a lot different from actually being responsible for results.  I've done both, and with committees, you can always find someone else to blame (like.... the President). I don't know that Biden is all that qualified to take any responsibility.  Then again... neither is Obama.  

    However, one thing in Obama's favor I'll say is that he's very likely to take responsibility and not pass the buck.  Of course, the reason I say that is that he hasn't had much time to learn how to pass a buck.  

  9. Shh, they haven't figured out yet that you can't compare President candidate to the VP candidate. Let em keep going for a few more weeks.

    We know that McCAin has the experience, and that Palin will have it by 2012/


  11. it wouldn't matter how much experiaence obama has....he is still a socialist pushing a solcialist agenda.

  12. Obama was never elected to statewide office until after the national stage he received in 2000 and 2004 at the Democratic national convention.  I suppose you can say that at least Palin was elected governor without help from the national party.

  13. I suppose the answer to your question is really quite subjective.  The best answer for you is "Which do YOU think is better...?

    Good luck figuring it out.  And don't forget to vote!

  14. I would prefer bot the president and VP to be inexperienced and willing to use good judgment rather than follow the party line.

    I will vote the Libertarian ticket.

  15. It is a fact that neither Obama nor Biden have any executive experience, the branch of government they hope to be getting into. That's the kind of experience we, the people, need. They don't know the potential effects of their initiatives from a budgetary or judicial perspective. Both McCain and Palin have executive experience so I don't think it's a matter of experience in general, but the kind of experience the country needs in its leader especially at this critical juncture.

  16. actually those things do answer the question. surely you don't think that palin and obama have equal levels of experience? in addition, throughout this neverending campaign, obama has ably proven himself to be an intellectual and political force. palin is as-yet unproven. it may turn out that she is also incredibly gifted, but we don't know yet.

    the main reason why it's hypocritical is that the GOP has been attacking obama on experience and then chooses someone with little experience for their ticket. and considering that many americans are worried about mccain's age, i don't think the issue is as facetious as it might have been if it was anyone but mccain.

  17. Tale of two candidates:

    While one candidate was running a city, the other was organizing a community. While one candidate was running a state, the other was state legislator. While one candidate was fighting to clean up politics, the other spent 143 days in the US Senate, playing the good ol boy circuit, planning his run for the President.

    The funny thing is, this just proves the VICE President candidate has more experience then the Presidential candidate.  

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