
Which is better, city bus driver, school bus driver, greyhound or private company?

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Which is better, city bus driver, school bus driver, greyhound or private company?




  1. not sure if you're asking which driver is better or which is the better job. either way i'd have to say city bus driver. they are constantly being checked on and are being made sure they have a valid liscense, unlike school bus drivers. at least where i live. if you're lookong for a career, they make decent money and have good benefits.

  2. ok as a bus system, school buses are mainly for public schools like elementary kids , while greyhound would be for the public usually one time use for something to get to like for college students coming back home for the holidays.

    city buses would be used for transportation on a daily basis like going to work and coming back.

    private company i have no idea.

    and each different would be better differently in different places. im sure where i live its not much of a city so city buses suck.

    but probably in california the buses are much more and more organized therefore rule!

    if your askinga bout the drivers....well i think those charter buses are nice cuz they also travel with whomever they are traveling with, but school busdrivers seem really unfriendly or too friendly. i think its the result of the kids. and i tihnk its also the result of the buses, from a scale of a nice bus to a dirty cockaroach infested bus.

    i think a city bus driver is nice, because you see them all the time (if you use it all the time) and either establish an aquaintance or ...not?

    i hope i answered it...  

  3. Here is my take on your question, since I have been one of each of them during my long career in transportation.

    I started out as a school bus driver and if you need a part time job that will allow you to have summers and all school holidays off to spend with your family, then this might be the way to go.  It will be a good supplemental income, but doubt it will be enough to support you like a full time job would be able to.

    City Transit will probably pay the best once you get your foot in the door and work part time, filling in for shifts and runs that need to be covered.  It could take you a number of years before you have enough seniority to bid a regular run so you know each and every week what you are doing.  

    Greyhound was at the bottom of my list for wanting to stay with it for the long term.  When I completed their training courses, they informed me that I would be required to live where ever they needed me to live for at least the first five years.  If that meant "Podunkville, NM" then that was where you had to live if you wanted to keep your job.  The pay is ok, but the rest of the "benefits" were questionable.  This was a long time ago, so you may want to do your own research into things and see how things work now.

    Working for a private Charter company was where I spent most of my bus career.  It is probably the only side of "busing" where the people acually want to be onboard that bus.  They are going to someplace fun, weather it be a night out on the town, skiing, a tour, or whatever... they have chosen to be there instead of "have to" be there.   I don't know too many people who love to ride a school bus, city transit or Greyhound.  They usually do it because it's the only oppotunity open to them to get from point "A" to point "B".

    I hope this helps you answer your question.  As far as one being "better" than the other, it all depends on your viewpoint or attitude.

    Good luck

  4. better how?



  5. A school bus driver---because all their problems are behind them!



    I have to tell you since another answerer brought it up. We are under DOT regulations. We HAVE to have a physical every year, have yearly training and be current with First Aid/CPR. We also have monthly training. Every driver in my school district is extremely qualified. We also get training in effective discipline, current drug abuse issues, kept current in the laws, have a professional relationship with the local police department, and love your kids as much as you do. We know we take their little lives in our hands every day, and we do everything we can to get your child to school and back every day. You kids are our best friends! Oh, and by the way, our buses have a mechanic on staff every day. my bus is BRAND NEW and all our buses are replaced by NEW ones on a regular rotation. Our buses have cameras on every bus so both your student and the driver are protected in any situation.

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