
Which is better, diving or horse riding?

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i have a question, i do horse riding right now and i am not the best at it. and i stopped doing diving a while ago, like in november but i was one of the best on our select team. but i dont know what to do. vote on which you like better.




  1. i would do whichever you enjoy more. i gave up swimming all year round to do horseback riding. even though i was a VERY good swimmer, i enjoyed riding more...even though at the time i SUCKED at it.

    riding has taken me very far and i'm glad i made the choice to switch to riding.  however, i still swim in the summer and fall but ride year round (i even ended up with my own horse which i never thought would happen).

    see if you can try to do both, even for only part of a season.

    believe me, you WILL improve in riding. i was literally the worst person but as i got more experience i became really good.

    bottom line: do whichever you enjoy more.

  2. I did try dive team for a while, but I'm very competitive in horseback riding. (Ranked #10 Youth English Showmanship in IN) Their both fun to me, but I love going out and doing things

  3. I prefer Scuba and have done both.


    Do what you enjoyed the most...or continue to try to do both. They are both wonderful activities.

    Maybe take a horseback ride to your local dive area?



  4. funny u mention it cuz my sis does horse riding and i do diving. riding horses scares the **** outta me so i never considered doing it but my sister tried diving for awhile but she quit cuz she was to scared to to try and learn the harder dives. i'd go with diving tho. riding horses is all dusty and sweaty. but the chlorine from the pool is bad for ur hair and skin. theres the positives and negatives for both i guess. but i'd choose diving since i already do it

  5. Judging by the fact you are a good diver I would go back to diving.  Horseback riding won't take you very far.  You could get a scholarship to dive in college.

  6. they are both fun, but diving is more exercise so is probably the better choice (horses give you rashes)

  7. I like diving and horseback riding. I think that you should do what you want. It's important that you choose what you want to do, not do it because other people say that you should do one or the other. It's a personal choice, so I think that whatever you do, you should enjoy it.

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