
Which is better, shimla or manali? and where will i get snow in april?

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Which is better, shimla or manali? and where will i get snow in april?




  1. Shimla (also spelt as 'Simla') derives its name from goddess 'Shayamla Devi', which is another manifestation of Goddess Kali. The capital of Himachal Pradesh came into light when the British discovered it in 1819. Till then, it was a part of the Nepalese kingdom. In 1864 Shimla was declared as the summer capital of India. After Independence, Shimla became the capital of Punjab and was later named the capital of Himachal Pradesh. In 1903 a rail line was constructed between Kalka and Shimla.

    Shimla has been blessed with all the natural bounties, one can think of. Dwelling on a panoramic location, the hilly town is surrounded by green pastures and snow-capped peaks. The spectacular cool hills accompanied by the structures made during the colonial era create an aura, which is very different from other hill stations.

    Bulging at its seams with unprecedented expansion, Shimla retains its colonial heritage, with grand old buildings, among them are the stately Viceregal Lodge, charming iron lamp posts and Anglo-Saxon names. The Mall, packed with shops and eateries, is the centre of attraction of the town, and Scandal Point, associated with the former Maharaja of Patiala's escapades, offers a view of distant snowclad peaks.

    Have A stroll Around The Summer Capital

    Shimla is one of the few places in the world where an enormous amount of history and heritage has been distilled into such a small place in so short a time. The town came into being in the first quarter of the 19th century and some four decades later, became the "Summer Capital' of British India. Till the coming of India's independence in 1947, momentous events and memorable architecture packed the town.

    Today, the colonial order is gone, but its architectural bequest is now a part of the legacy for a free India. And the seven hills of Shimla hold a variety of architectural styles from all over the world- made all the more distinctive, for manstructural elements are local. In addition, the town has one of the longest stretches of purely pedestrian road and shopping anywhere in the world - the Mall. Shimla also holds what may well be the Earth's only 'urban forest'.

    Shimla's Seven Hill Attractions

    The seven hills of Shimla are - Prospect Hill in Western Shimla, which has the temple of Kamna Devi; Summer Hill in Western Shimla, which has the campus of the Himachal Pradesh University; Observatory Hill in Western Shimla, which holds the estate of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study; Invererarm in Western Shimla, whose top has the State Museum; Bantony in central Shimla, which has the Grand Hotel; Jakhoo in central Shimla, which is crowned by the temple indicated to Lord Hanuman, and Elysium in north-western Shimla, which holds Auckland House and Longwood and reaches out towards the Bharari spur.

    As the town of Shimla grew through the 19th century, its Mall steadily developed as the town's commercial street and the hub of its social life. The road, which some 5-km in length, starts in the west at the gates of he former Viceregal Lodge , the present day Indian Institute of Advanced Study and ends at Chhota Shimla or 'Small' Shimla, in the east.

    The route has bends, as one would expect any hill road to have, ut its nature essentially follows a wide sweeping curve along the hills. The primary aspect is south facing and affords a view of the valley below the town and of the foothills that reach out to the plains from its habitation. In pockets, snatches of the northern aspect spring up for a dramatic view and hold woods of Pine and Himalayan Cedar - the majestic Deodar. This picture of nature's bounty is framed by the distant snow ranges of the Greater Himalaya.

    The Intriguing Architectural Grandeur

    The core of the Mall is a row of shops that take the approximate mid section of the road and traverse for about a kilometre and a half along is length. At one point of time, it was regarded to be as fashionable as the finest streets of London, Paris or St. Petersburg and every morning, the tarmac was washed down by 'Mashkis' carrying goatskin bags full of water.

    Architecturally, this stretch is often likened to an English small town market place. Elements of Tudor framing, a varied roofline, assorted columns and numerous decorations have given this row considerable character. The row also has a variety of windows that range from bay, to sash barred and to diamond cut panes and some unusual elements also find expression and take the form of Mughal inspired cupolas that hold bay windows.

    Reminiscent of Italy, acroteria of urns can be found in a couple of structures. While decorative devices abound, the aspects of safety were hardly neglected. The presence of 'fire walls' between buildings ensured that fires remained contained and did not spill over to the adjoining structures.

    Gaiety Theatre

    Apart from the shops, where several buildings still retain elements of a bygone glory, the street holds the famous Gaiety Theatre whose neo-Gothic structure was completed in 1887 and once towered above the town. The theatre itself is modelled after the prize winning design of Bijou theatre and is remarkable for the quality of its acoustic that allow the lowest whisper to carry to the farthest corner of the hall.

    Magnificent Specimen's Of The Bygone Era

    Adding to the malls ambience, are the municipal offices housed in an impressive dressed stone building. The general post office and the spire of Christ Church on the ridge, add their own touches of background atmosphere. At the cross road, where one arm reaches to the ridge and another to the post office is the famous scandal point and the apocryphal tale goes that a former Maharaja of Patiala carried off the British commander in chief's daughter from this spot. The story is as unlikely as any, and the truth of the place name probably stems from the fact that earlier - as now - it was the place where people gathered for both conversation and gossip.

    The southern slopes immediately below this row of shops are regarded to be one of the most densely populated hill slopes anywhere in the world. Over a hundred years ago, the celebrated writer Rudyard Kipling described this stretch in Kim as, "The crowded rabbit-warren that climbs up from the valley to the town hall at an angle of forty five. A man who knows his way there can defy all the police of India's summer capital. So cunningly does veranda communicate with veranda, alley way with alley way, and bolt hole with bolt hole" The description holds true even today.

    A major determinant of the town character and social ethos, the mall has modified its colonial and rather snooty ambience to reflect the Indian market centric lifestyle. Yet, the original colonial architecture, somewhat crumbling, somewhat forlorn and yet, almost unforgivingly still its spine, the street remains the town's social hub and for many, also its economic core. There is hardly a person who lives in Shimla who regards his day as complete without a daily salute to its tarmac or an evening promenade.


    Manali is a beautiful hill station located in the arms of the mighty Himalayas in the state of Himachal Pradesh. It is situated 40 kilometers ahead of Kullu valley on the Leh highway. The hill station never fails to attract tourists owing to its spectacular beauty and charm. Manali is the hub of tourists in the summer months who visit the destination to escape the treacherous heat of the plains. The landscape of Manali is breathtakingly beautiful. It is famous for having been the summer retreat for former Prime Minister Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

    Manali is known for its proximity to the snowline. One can capture a glimpse of the snow- capped peaks of the Himalayan range from here. The river Beas flows through the town giving it a rustic charm. It is an ideal place to relax and distress oneself.

    The pine trees and small fields surrounded by orchids give the place a serene look. Manali is known as the abode of gods. One can feel the presence of the creator in its natural beauty and charm.

    Manali is also famous for a large number of herbs used for medicinal purposes. Large number of foreigners throng Manali bedazzled by its scenic magnificence. It is an ideal place for trekking and mountaineering.

    Manali is located at the northern end of Kullu Valley. It is known for its nature walks through the deodar and pine forests, its beautiful valleys and mountain sports.


    Several tours are organized from Manali. Some of the famous ones are:


    Nehru Kund: This is the first stop on this tour. It is a cold-water spring named after the Late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The water is chilling and has a number of health benefits. This spot is located 6 kilometers ahead of Manali.

    Solang Valley: This picturesque valley is a famous picnic spot surrounded by silver oak trees and spurs international skiing slopes with a small ropeway. One can also enjoy the beautiful panorama of snow-capped mountains and go for horse riding.

    Kothi: It is a quiet but beautiful spot providing a historical episode into the early annals of Kullu.

    Gulaba Camp: It is a beautiful valley of flowers famous for sightseeing, picnic and photography.

    Rahala Fall: Watch the Beas river flowing from a height of 50 meters. It is a charming picnic spot.

    Marhi: The place is famous for its natural beauty and has a number of hotels and dhaba (roadside eating joint) for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

    Rani Nala: It is a famous glacier point where snow can be seen all 12 months.

    Rohtang Pass: It is located 51 kilometers from Manali and is the highest point on the road. It offers limited skiing and trekking opportunities at an altitude of 4112 meter. On the Keylong to Leh highway, the pass exhibits  

  2. Shimla

  3. Go to Alaska.

    m sure u'll like it.

  4. Manali is the best as u will get lots of snow on mountains there in april so  take ur warm clothes too

  5. manali not shimla

    u cannot see any snow in shimla in summer

    manali has a hills called rotangpass where u can find snow and games associated with it

  6. simla

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