
Which is better? $500 tax credit per person for rising gas cost or suspend the 18.4-cent federal gas tax?

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$500 tax credit is Obama's plan

Suspending 18,4 federal gas tax is McClain's plan




  1. Where is the money going to come from?  Neither plan is good.

    But moneywise you'd have to buy 2,717 gallons of gas at 18.4 cents a gallon to come up to Obama's $500.

  2. The federal gas tax is not a %, it's a flat amount per gallon, so would NOT be per dollar.  

    The guy's name is McCain, not McClain.

    Without more definition of what "per person" means (all people in the family including a baby who obviously doesn't buy gas?  Or per adult, or per family, or per return?) , no real way to tell.  Either "plan" would be spending money the government doesn't have, driving us even deeper into debt.

    And  by the way, even in WI, which currently has the highest state gas tax, the total state plus federal gas tax is 50.5 cents per gallon, so even if ALL of the gas taxes were eliminated, gas would still be over $3 a gallon.  In most states, the total state and federal gas tax is under 40 cents per gallon.

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