
Which is better? A female or a male cat?

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Okay, I finally get to have a cat. I've been waiting for the "fine" for two years now, and I had my heart set on a girl cat named Bella. But then my mom's friend recently told her that a male cat is more affectionate, and would be willing to be petted. At first I ignored it, but now it's bugging me. I know, I know, it depends on the personality. But right now, I just want an answer I can work with. I am getting a kitten, because I would like to spend more time with it while it grows up. Please don't lecture me on how adult cats don't get treated right- I already looked it up. I guess a boy would be fine, but I feel unsure because I had already decided to get a girl, and was going to use my fave name. But now that I know that a female is going to be a bit more independent than I might not want it to be, I'm trying to get a sense of what's right for me. And I would have no idea what to name my cat! Help!!! :(




  1. It's really your choice and I know you will love your cat and whether it is male or female will make no difference.

    You didn't mention where you are getting yourkitten.  If you are going to adopt (that's really best) why not let the kitten pick you?  One kitten will just let you know that he/she is the one that's coming home with you.

    Here's a list of cat and kitten names:

    Good Luck!

  2. It doesn't matter if its male or female. It all in the personality. I have seen female cats that are more independent and some that like to cuddle. And that goes for males too. When picking at cat out for for the one that want to come to you and want to be social. You will know when you see it which cat is for you.  

  3. Unfortunately, It is not a easy answer. It is all about how you treat the kitten. Most cats will be friendly if you raise them right. Get her fixed early and let her dictate how much time she spends with you. Do not smother her with love or she will learn to hide from you. some of my female cats have been the sweetest ones. get the kitten that you like best boy or girl and you will have many good years together.

  4. I have both a male and a female, both are fixed and my male is really docile and just lays around and the female is really active and loves to play. A male cat will spray unless you get him fixed before he is 6 months old. My cat was fixed after 6 months old and he still tries to spray but he cannot do it because he was totally castrated. If you just have them neutered but don't have his b*lls removed, he will still be able to spray. A female needs to be fixed also before she is 6 months old or you will have to listen to constant meowing day and night until she is done with her time.

  5. Get a female cat! Males spray (sometimes even if they're neutered!)

  6. just like in the people world females are usually more docile.  if you want a cat that plays a lot get a male.  this is not always the case tho. there are docile males and females that love to play, especially when they are drunk on catnip.  you can still name a male bella like bella lagosi the actor, altho bella is a real cute girl name.  

    sometimes we are forced to change their names after we have them a while due to how they act or what they look like. i have a black cat that my hubby calls black, lol.  she looks like black velvet & is a pollydactal ( many toes) forcing us to change her name to polly.

    i have a girl that loves to nuzzle in bed & a rescued boy who follows me everywhere til i pet him.  rescue cats/kittens are the best cause they never forget that you rescued them and are forever greateful.

    i dont know how much a kitten remembers.  we feed my frightened rescue cat, who lived in my yard in the cold winter for 2 years,  til we captured him in a cat carrier & took him in.  a happier cat you have never seen in your life.  sometimes he just lies on the sofa next to me stareing at me til he falls asleep.

  7. If it is a Female, I suggest spaying it unless you want Them to multiply. And if it is a Male Cat, Neuter it because it Will Start spraying, and once it starts, even if you fix it, it won't stop.

    Depending on YOUR Personality is what Gender would be best for you, If you want a Calm, Curious, playful , But picky at times Cat, a Female would be for you.

    If you want a Spunky, Hyper, VERY Crazy at times, and can-be-stubborn Cat, a Male would be the way to go.

    Hope I Helped! Any other Questions, Email me!

    P.S UI have had over 50 cats (not at once) so I know Lots about them!

  8. When you go pick out your kitten hold him or her and see how affectionate they are with you. When I picked out my baby girl I didn't know if she was a boy or girl until they scanned her microchip and told me. She was very playful with the other kittens and let me hold her and to this day she's always really affectionate. If you had your heart set on a female cat, choose one that likes to be petted and played with as a kitten and I'm sure she'll grow up and be very affectionate. Which ever you choose, be sure to get them spayed/neutered!

  9. I say get a female. I have one and she's very well behaved. with males i read that they wouldn't be able to use a litter box that well but when i got my cat she was using it like a pro. i think female cats are independent. and at times they will like attention so you can pet it and play with it. they like lights like a flashlight. if you move it around on the ground they will chase it everywhere. when you turn it off they start looking around like what?? where did it go?

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