
Which is better: ACCA or CIMA?

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In terms of salary and popularity which is better?

ACCA stands for Association of Certified Chartered Accountants and

CIMA stands for Chartered Institute for Management Accountants

So which accountants have more value? Management accountants or chartered accountants?




  1. CIMA have over taken ACCA in earnings for the first time this year, however ACCA remains the most popular

    But it depends on what you want to do. ACCA is more audit and personal taxation, CIMA is more finance and business accounting and managements.  (which is what I'm supposed to be studying at this very minute).

    It depends on what your future employer wants.  I went for CIMA because I work in management, however I do go out and do a few audits every now and then.  My boss is an ex lecturer of both, she says both institutes try to make out they are very different, but they are not.  Its just that ACCA has a higher empasis on the audit function, and CIMA on the over all business profile

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