
Which is better Axe or Old Spice?

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i think Old Spice is Waaaaay better then Axe




  1. old spice


  2. Axe.  My dad wears Old Spice so yea, when a guy wears it, it makes me think of my father...

  3. It depends on which Old Spice scent you're talking about.  Some are good, some smell like old dude.

  4. I think they both smell good, but I prefer Old Spice. But please, take a shower and use it. Don't just use that to cover it up.

  5. Old Spice rocks!!!!

  6. they both are nasty, how bout taking a shower instead of using a spray to cover up the stench. thats what fabreeze is for

  7. old spice !

  8. girls tend to like axe more, including me

    it has hormones in it to turn girls on, apparently

  9. Old Spice Deodorant is the best you can get. Axe deodorant is horrible. Old Spice Body Spray is ok. Axe Body Spray stinks but some girls like it.

    Overall, the best way to go is to put on some Old Spice Anti-Perspirant and spray on some nice cologne.

    And why does Chuck Norris need Old Spice or Axe?

    (P.S. If you going to try cologne, I recommend Abercrombie and Fitch Fierce. I'm not the hottest guy at my school but everybody notices how good and "Fresh" I smell)

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