
Which is better Canon MD205 Mini DV or Sony HC51 Mini DV?

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I know Canon are the top make when it comes to cameras but my bro told me to get the Sony because of the long battery life...




  1. Canon MD205 Mini DV

  2. Who says Canon is the top make for camcorders? There are some really great Canon camcorder models (like the HF10, HF100, HF11, HG10) and there are some great Sony ones (SR12, TG3, CX11).

    Whre miniDV is concerned, there are good Canons and there are good Sonys - but the only way to determine which is better for you is to visit a store like Jessops, handle each and decide for yourself.

    Get in quick. The major compnaies are scaling down MiniDV production and at least one will stop MiniDV production altogether within a year.

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