
Which is better: Daycare or at home for child with ADD

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For a child with Asperger's syndrome or ADD, would a daycare with more activities, children, adults be better, or a quiet home?




  1. i think you should try daycare at first, to see how he/she gets along with other children, if they do, great, if not, don't sweat it, just do flashcards (um and other teaching stuff too)!

    try this website

    hope i helped!!

  2. depends on the home enviroment add is like not being able to focus on one thing for too long  

  3. Home with a loving mom, dad and siblings.  And maybe a special ed format preschool when he/she is three or four.

    Daycare is kiddie warehousing.

  4. It depends on the child, but I would say that a daycare may be better because it will be more structured by nature.

  5. quiet home.

    My cousin has ADD and had TONS of trouble in daycare. The teachers were impatient and not nurturing enough for him. The other kids were cruel and made fun of him.

    His mother decided to keep him at home and that worked out much better for him. He's grown into a very sweet, respectable kid. (he's about 14 now)

  6. A quiet home with frequent outings and visitation from other children.

  7. I would say home just because its more comforting and he knows whats going on at home.

  8. My sons is 8 and has ADHD.  He does well in structured situations.  He has gone to day cares and he did well when they were good about sticking with a schedule and having  regular routines and structure.  At home, we are used to seeing his behaviors and we are able to read him better so we know when he has had enough.  I agree with a previous answer...Find a good balance.  You don't want them too far "off the beaten path" because you do what them to fit in when they are in school and learning.  

    Best of luck and God Bless!

  9. i would say, find a balance between both

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