
Which is better New York or Chicago Pizza?

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Both seem so yummy. Chicago pizza is deep dished with lots of cheesy goodness and New York style is thin n crispy kinda. Which one do you prefer?




  1. they both are great.. it really depends on my mood...

  2. Being from Chicago, I'm partial to our pizza. I love deep dish with spinach and lots of cheese!

  3. I live in chicago and like both :)

  4. OH god!!!! Here we go again!!!! But personally, being from Chicago, I would say Chicago since we actually have two types of pizza. Chicago style thin which is crispy like a cracker and our famous deepdish. Im in Florida and all you can get is New York style and its pretty boring if you ask me. :)

  5. For a good dinner Chicago and a Salad. For let's say nascar,football,baseball,baseball,soccer New York Style and a beer.

  6. New york is better for me.I loved it so much I lived in conneticut and went to brooklyn every other week just for the pizza.It was great I hate pan pizza anyway so I wouldnt try chicago style pizza.

  7. New York.  There really is nothing like it, and I have not lived on the East Coast in 15 years.  It is the one food that they can't seem to get right anywhere but in New York.

  8. 2 different foods, both good.  I lived in Chicago in the 80's so I'm partial to the deep dish pizza.  The Food Network did a comparison on both a couple of years ago using firefighters as judges.  Of course each city's voted for their own, they used LA firemen as the tiebreaker, and I believe that NY won.

  9. I prefer my pizza like I do my hotdog..........CHICAGO!!!

  10. i go with chicago thats just me tho

  11. Chicago pizza hands down. Has thick buttery crust with more cheese and great sausage!

  12. clearly Chicago

    New York is thin and wimpy. It's more like healthy and unflavored California style. When I want a pizza I want it to be unhealthy and tasty :)

    GO CUBS!!

  13. In my experience living in New York City  for 5 years and dining at few restaurants in Chicago, IL I'd say New Yorks Pizza is the best.  Just by thinking about  the signature style of the way New Yorkers eat their pizza (folding the pizza into half, eating it from the tip to the crust ) is mouth watering.

  14. Chicago seems like it would be harder to make and easier to s***w up.

  15. I've lived in Chicago my whole life so this is probably going to sound blasphemous but the best pizza I ever had was NY-style.  I do love Chicago style, though, don't get me wrong, just given the choice, I'd pick NY-stlye.

  16. New York of course!

  17. New York definitely. Especially the pizza in Brooklyn.

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