
Which is better PS3 or XBOX360?

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Which is better PS3 or XBOX360?




  1. it depends on what u are looking for. if u are looking for a system that has  good games now then buy the 360, if u are looking for a system that has true 1080p HD and that has good games coming out in the future and has bigger space on the CD then get a PS3. I would recommend you buy a PS3

  2. Xbox 360 has a lot more popular games and that's usually what most your friends will own

  3. ps3 haves a lot more potential

  4. ps3 because it has better graphics more power and better games than xbox360 and great games are coming to ps3 definitelly go with ps3 i own a ps3 and i have a friend who owns xbox360 ps3 is way better and doesn't need fixing as often as xbox

  5. ps3


    1/ FUTURE

    LittleBigPlanet, God of War 3, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, and Motorstorm 2 are all on the horizon. More and more companies are finally throwing their support hehind the system, and while it doesn’t have as many exclusives as it’s competition the ones it has are quality, and the future is bright for the PS3.

    2/ BLU RAY

    As the cheapest Blu-Ray player that has a built in internet connection and hard drive, the PlayStation 3 should be purchased by anyone with a high-definition television. HD-DVD has lost, and the next format is Blu Ray. While the king of High-Def might eventually go to digital, it is currently in Sony’s corner, and until that changes the PS3 is worth purchasing for that alone.


    The PlayStation 3 is the most powerful video game system by far, with the Cell Processor and Blu Ray drive. Not only that, but it comes with a hard drive built in, and Sony has no problem letting developers take advantage of their system’s unique features to make a good game. While some developers are abusing this aspect, others use it to create experiences that couldn’t be developed for the Xbox 360 or Wii, and the system’s hardware gives it a leg up on the competition.


    The first game to actually move PlayStation 3 systems was Metal Gear Solid 4, pushing it ahead of the Xbox 360 for two full months. There’s a reason for this – Metal Gear Solid 4 is an amazing title. Even for an admitted hater of the series, MGS4 succeeded any expectations I had for the title, launching it from a game I was ready to forget to a game I couldn’t.


    Uncharted is already one of the best games of this generation, with a movie-quality plot and some of the best voice acting in gaming history. I know I seem to be rambling about presentation and polish for a lot of these games, but that’s because developers spend a lot of time with presentation and polish when developing PS3 games. It gets a little wonky at the end, but wraps up well and is a game worth playing several times through.

    6/ PSN IS FREE!

    Um, yeah. You can play games online, like on Xbox Live, but you don’t need to pay any money, unlike Xbox Live. It may not have all of the bells and whistles of the 360’s online service, but it’s free, and it works, so it’s awesome.


    It’s shocking that Insomniac Games was able to pull off two amazing games within a few months of the PlayStation 3’s release, and Ratchet and Clank: Future Tools of Destruction trumps most of the previous titles in the Ratchet and Clank series. The graphics are amazing, rivaling some of the best animated movies, and the game’s plot and voice acting make the game worth checking out.


    No, the PlayStation store doesn’t have anything that compares to Braid or Geometry Wars 2, but it does have enough content to spend more than a few weeks playing through the downloadable games. Titles like Pain, Pixeljunk Monsters, Pixeljunk Eden, and Super Stardust HD are great distractions. Siren and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue offer full game experiences that you can download right onto your hard drive.


    Resistance didn’t live up to the photorealistic promises of the early PlayStation 3 commercials, but the launch title was definitely the best among the early PlayStation 3 releases. The story was there, and the game’s unique enemies and weapons were enough to gain the game an online following, leading to hectic multiplayer battles. The game’s sequel is coming soon, and looks to follow in the original’s footsteps while adding a huge amount of polish, so the time is right to jump on board and give Resistance a play-through.

    10/ WARHAWK

    Incognito’s PlayStation 3 exclusive online-only shooter offers an experience unmatched on the Xbox 360 or Wii. 32-player online battles across huge landscapes in various different vehicles is an impressive feat for a console to handle, and allowing up to four players to jump online with one system makes it an achievement in technological prowess.

    Well i hope you make a good decision..goodluck!

  7. PS3 is better. Let's start out with the facts. PS3 has blu-ray and runs on HD TV while the xbox360 runs on the old DVD9. The 360 does not have HDMI 1.3 and does not support HDTV while the PS3 can. The PS3 works on a cell processor while the xbox360 works on the xenon processor both are somewhat similar. The xbox360 has 3 cores while the PS3 has 7. The 360 has more memory bandwith while the ps3 has more CPU floating point performance. The 360 does not run on blu-ray making the PS3 games look more virtually realistic. The xbox360 first had a 16% failure rate when it first came out while the PS3 had a failure rate of under 1% and you have to buy a cooler and pay for online play while the PS3 has a built-in cooler and has free online play even though it's true that the xbox360 does offer better online service. Even know the PS3's failure rate is lower than the 360 and overall its a better entertainment system if you get bored of playing games. Also they both share similar game titles but only a few games are different for example the PS3 has MGS4 and Ratchet & Clank and more While the xbox360 has gears of war and halo 3. Though other those a few game titles they share the same games but overall i say the PS3 is better.

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