
Which is better Rugby or the NFL?

by Guest64081  |  earlier

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Which is better Rugby or the NFL?




  1. NFL, what is rugby?

  2. Rugby Rules

  3. R U STUPID?????????

    RUGBY of course!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. nfl

  5. While I admire the toughness of rugby, with the no pads and all, football is a much more strategic, athletic, and all around entertaining sport.

  6. after playing both in retun match's when i was in the US last year i have found that NFL is very physical game but as is rugby .we play a game of American football then channelled the team to a game of rugby(a few days later) .they found it more physicaly and tacticly on the other hand found nfl fun and we were able to tackle harder than the nfl players as we are used to tackeling hard with out pads

  7. BOTH- its all hardcore

  8. Rugby League... wanna see some real hits?

  9. i like rugby better.. but i dont watch neither

  10. Rugby

  11. Rugby is more dinamic, mainly because you can not block someone without the ball, and yards are harder to get passing the ball backwards forces you to run more, and it does not have time out every  few seconds...

  12. RUGBY by far.  

    It's hard and tough.  

    You actually tackle the guy.  

    Its skillful in that players can play both attack and defense. YOu don't need to field a different team for attack etc

    You can kick the ball as part of a strategic play.

    Tackles are mostly one on one - doesn't take a team to get 1 guy down.


  13. brother its rugby. you pack down into a scrum after a punch up and look at the mates besdie you and you knoe if you pick a fight they will be rght behind you. in rugby we defend aswell as attach. its the beautiful game. we love gettin smashed i think that if the difference, the challenge of getting them back. fitness skills running ability and agility are required more so in rugby,,,,,, i love rungy. if the nfle players wernt steroided up they would be so big,,,,,,,, even so they would stand a chance playing againt a australisian team or a pacific team

  14. NFL.

  15. rugby!!!! americans dont know i thing about sports!!!!!

  16. NFL is good but interesting that even though there is a high number of Pacific islanders in the NFL there are no Manua Samoan or Fijians playing.

    Rugby is a better game to play and watch. But in terms of video games no sports games compares to NFL games eg Madden

  17. I Don't Know Because Rugby and the NFL are Equally Violent but I think for Me it is a Tie Because I like NFL (Favorite team Redskins) and Rugby is pretty fun to watch even though I don't Know the Rules.

  18. Rugby cos the game flows more, NFL despite being exciting is often more predictable and has far too many breaks in play.

  19. The National Football League is better than rugby.

  20. rugby, NFL is g*y

  21. I need to address DK who responded:

    "While I admire the toughness of rugby, with the no pads and all, football is a much more strategic, athletic, and all around entertaining sport."

    Have you ever watched a rugby game?  Football more strategic?  The game of rugby is changing every year, and along with it how individual players have to master their positions.  I'm a hooker on a women's team and while many people think I'm crazy, I wouldn't trade my position for the world.  Just like my teammates, I'm involved with every aspect of the game.  I have to be skilled at open field tackling(real tackling = actually taking the opposition out and stopping them - most of the time by myself because the props aren't fit), I have to be quick AND fast, excellent ball handler, kicking.  Not to mention rucking, mauling, lifting, scrumming and hooking the ball. Football players more athletic?  What are the dimesions of a football field again?  How many minutes do they actually play at a time? Special teams?  Offensive and defensive teams? Thought so.  

    The fans and the culture surrounding rugby are infectious. And if we must be constantly comparing american football to rugby, I would say rugby crowds are more fanatic.

    I love college football.  But I would take a high school rugby game over a professional football game.

  22. Rugby they are not afraid of getting hit!

  23. the two sports are very different and i enjoy both i played rugby ay school but would have loved the opportunity to play NFL.

    i feel rugby league, rugby union and football [soccer] could all take a tip from the numbers of umpires in the NFL it would improve the professionalism of the other games as i see NFL as the more Professional sportsman.

  24. We don't wear pads.Speaks for itself

  25. rugby is more intresting and definitly more dangerous

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