
Which is better Snooker or Pool?? Tell me your analysis.?

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I read many arguements about this already. Most Snooker enthusiast are in Europe while Pool lovers are around the world. We can't deny that we depend on what we really love to play the most. Most Europeans, which prefer Snooker believes Snooker is best. They say Snooker is harder....etc...etc.... While the Pool lovers, which is mostly Americans, Filipinos, Taiwanese etc. believe that Pool is better. They say many things like....blah blah blah...etc.etc.

I'm tired of reading those arguements...I want to read what is on mind of most people in this site....

Jay, Jhonny, Straight Shooter, Vegas Matt, All of you, I want your answers.....




  1. This is not a question of what is better!, It is a question of choice, it is a question of what you grew up with, it's about who influenced you to play!. what you started with, and what you prefer.

    I use to go practice on a snooker table before a game, because when I got on the pool table, everything seemed much easier.. I could play better pool if I played a couple of games, or shot the balls around on a snooker table first!.

    All those things you said about both games are true, except

    that Europe, where I am at right now, there is a lot of pool playing, and little French pool, no pockets!.

    Snooker is very big in England, I would say France Germany, but most of todays kids are playing American pool.

    The bad thing is, they are charging 12Euro, to play an hour's pool, that is 16 American $s. That is a lot of money!.

    I don't know about the Asian countries, but the ones that were British colonies, all play snooker!.

    To me It is a matter of choice!, a matter of what your friends were playing when you grew up!.

    Some players play snooker because there is a different prestige connected with snooker, than POOL.

  2. No analysis needed here. Just a matter of opinion. I like pool better but like I said it's just an opinion.

  3. theres too many factors but I'll bring up the best points. for starters snooker tables are far superior in build quality than pool tables. pool tables on the other hand are therefore cheaper. for those who say that snooker tables have smaller balls and smaller pockets are right and wrong. tables here in Europe are wayyyyy smaller than those American ones that are designed for fun. obv the rules differ. i know that there are far more rules to pool than snooker in regards to breaking the balls etc. rules in your area could be completely different from rules 10 miles away. the rules in snooker are set all over the world. in snooker its pot red then colour then red then colour and so on and so on. pool however pockets can be strategically "covered" by an opponents ball. our league rules state a "combination shot" (which is achieved by potting your ball and the opponents ball in the same shot) can be used to "free" the pocket. shots like those take an incredible amount of skill to perform first time. you hardly ever see any snooker player play shots like those. but to balance things out a bit. a snooker player can most defiantly play pool, a pool player, however, wont necessarily be able to play snooker

  4. pool there more money and tv coverage in it...

  5. Aarr, matey, this be mah thoughts, aarr.

    Snooker tables are larger than pool tables. The balls are smaller, the pockets are smaller, you need more skill in order to 'score' in snooker. In pool the pockets are so huge even with larger balls that if you are careful and hit a slide shot on the rail, ever so softly you can make the side pocket easily. In snooker you cannot do that because the pockets are recessed and if you try to make it into the pocket on a snooker table you have to remember that you only have a quarter inch clearance on either side of the ball if you make it straight in. Snooker 'is' harder, but if you get good enough to win at snooker at least 50% of the time, I don't think there is anyone you cannot beat at 8-ball or 9-ball, but that is just my opinion. Aaarr, ye farrow doon!

  6. Matt makes some very strong points here and I'm sure that Johnny will weigh in as well.  I guess it just makes sense to me that if snooker was more difficult in every way, then snooker players should almost never lose when playing pool.  But as Matt points out, that's rarely the case.  Sure, there are some exceptions on the ladies side with players like Alison Fischer and Karen Corr, but in general that's not what we see.  Matt sums it up nicely.  Snooker players are great shotmakers and are very comfortable using the mechanical bridge.  Pool players are more adept at moving the cue ball using different types of spin, cheating the pocket if necessary, banking and kicking at balls, performing powerful and controlled break shots, etc.  If apples and oranges grew on the same tree, that's about the best analogy I can provide.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

    P.S. I almost forgot, it is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.  I'm going to start as soon as I leave the apartment.

  7. OK Chris

                     Im pretty much on record as saying they are as diffrent as Chess and Checkers

    I have played a lot of snooker years ago in Canada & Australia But its not near the skill game -the diffrent pool games are .With 3 or 4 diffrent shots you can play a very good game of snooker

    With pool thats quite a diffrent story you really have to think in pool in snooker you just have to make shots and after a few racks  there is nothing hard about it A snooker player would be lost against a decent pool player Entirely diffrent

    My fav saying If a Snooker player ever made a 3 cushion shot it would be in every media venue in Europe In pool just a so so shot we do them every day

  8. I've played both and enjoy them both. I play a lot more pool, but mainly because nobody around here plays snooker, and the main hall I play at does not have any snooker tables.

    I don't buy the characterization that snooker is harder than pool. I've played some very good snooker players at pool, and they were not particularly good. Most snooker players I've met are excellent shotmakers, but are often strategically clueless when they get to a pool table. And most have no idea what to do on shots that require multi-rail position and/or english.

    Of course, most good pool players do not have the accuracy to play a great game of snooker if they've never played on a snooker table, so it goes both ways. I believe if you learned to play both games well, each would enhance the other.

  9. Well my name is not in ur want list but I will say that pool is better in my opinion. I have a pool table in my basement and it's great to play with freinds and put some money on the table, pool is better

  10. it's more of a matter of preference. snooker players needs to stay down for accuracy, very textbook, while pool, with bigger pockets and shorter travel, allows for flamboyancy and flair for creativity. i would like to think snooker is a better sport, but then again, i grew up playing more snooker than pool. pool are easier to pick up (cuz potting is so d**n easier) and once they park themselve in a game of snooker, they are easily disinterested because of the rate of failed pots.. both sports needs strategic thinking, so to say pool is a simple sport is a serious undermine. just look at how many top snooker players who picked up the pool sport and finding themselved thrashed.

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