
Which is better - The Sidekick or The iPhone?

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I'm looking into getting either one of them. So which is better for a 15 year old girl?




  1. iphone

  2. Hiya Miss Pansy! The iphone,because the handset is more solid than the sidekick,which has got moving parts!

  3. sidekick cuz the iphone are for business ppl.Plus ppl your age text alot.And its not really that easy to text with the iphone.

  4. sidekicks own!!


  5. Do not get an under 18 a phone on contract which owns out the iphone as its a great phone and includes internet in the £30 per month contract rate.

    the sidekick  is more like a nintendo DS but hopefully you can get it on PAYG.

    if both are contract only go for iphone its better made and easier to use and more flexible.

  6. iphone is such a ripoff....its like $70 a month just to open an account for the i phone + the bill! Get a sidekick.....they rock! it has a full keyboard great for texting....its cool the sidekick slide's screen slides has a camera, email, texting, Instant messanger, bluetooth

  7. iphones are way too expensive(over $1000 for just monthly fees)

    a 15 year old girl couldn't be happier with anything but a sidekick. everyone loves a qwerty keyboard and the sidekick does it well

  8. Sidekicks Really Ugly No Offence Lolx.

    I HAD An iPhone .. Till It Got Nicked.

    I Dont Know Much About The Side Kick But Id Say iPhone.

    I'm 14 And I Had It. It Was The Perfect Phoen For Me.

    The Only Problem Was The Bluetooth Didnt Work So I COuldnt Get Songsz.

    But Thats Itx.

    Good Luckkk ... =]x.

  9. i was in love with my sidekick sadly, and it was stolen !


    iphones are over priced c**p!




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