
Which is better Xbox 360 or PS3?

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I can't decide which one to get, they both will have Resident Evil 5 (when it comes out) but which one is better?




  1. TRUST ME the xbox 360 is better!!

    - It contains Great online gameplay and social networking with a huge amount of features.

    -Great games like Halo 3 , gears of war 1 and 2, Bioshock, Mass effect, Too human, ninja gaiden, DOA, the orange box, Call of duty 3, 4 and 5,

    assasins creed, GTA IV with  better live support, Ghost recon1 and 2, battle firld, and the list goes on.

    -u can get new content for games online

    - it costs less with more inside the box.

    -sooo much more!!!!!!

    -its ggod for u wether for family gaming, sport, racing, hardcore, shooters, or even if u just wanna watch movie with freinds ONLINE, liten to music, chat, participate in LIVE gameshows.

    -xbox live featyres a huge  online library of games, movies, tv shows, music, arcade games, and other cool features

  2. Both are great consoles, they both have great graphics, but I just prefer my 360 over PS3, just because of Xbox Live, it is amazing, and there exclusive games are awesome like Gear of War and Halo 3. You might have to pay to play online but it is only $4.00 a month. The 360 also has a bigger game library, and Microsoft is spending alot of money to get exclusive DLC ( which made me think highly of Microsoft).  

  3. PS3, it has and is getting a lot more good exclusives:

    Currently has:

    Metal Gear Solid 4




    Heavenly Sword

    And it's getting:

    Resistance 2


    Socom: Confrontation


    God of War 3

    Gran Turismo 5 full version

    Little Big Planet

    And there's probably much more I couldn't think of. And PS3's online is almost as good as Xbox Live, the $50 a year is too much considering how small the difference between both is. And once PSN get's Home, whenever that will be, Xbox Live will die.

    And PS3 has more capabilities, like:

    -Easy to upgrade hard drive, can go up to 250gb

    -1080p HD

    -Can play blu-ray movies

    Also, PS3 is more reliable. 360 overheats pretty easily. PS3 can take a lot of abuse, you have to keep it in very harsh conditions for many hours to make it overheat. And when it does, it automatically turns itself off and after letting it cool down for like half an hour, it's good as new. And it's completely quiet, while I hear the 360 is pretty loud

  4. xbox 360 has better games graphics and live

  5. Xbox 360, more capabilities, and cheaper than a ps3.

  6. Definatley the 360. The Ps3 has good games, many of which are availiable for the 360. The 360 has more exclusives and better online capabilities.

  7. i dont know 36 is good and so is ps3 my friends says 360s break down easily and ps3 has amazing graphics but still 360 is much cheaper and better. But the ps3 is worth it because it has the blu ray disc sysem built inside, and the 360 has xbox live. so they are both the same

  8. will i think that wii is better than both but other than that ps3  couse the grafics are great

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