
Which is better-a digital camera or a camcorder?

by Guest33892  |  earlier

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Which is better-a digital camera or a camcorder?




  1. It depends what you want to do.

    Still digicams take fine stills but highly compress, low quality video. The don't have microphone connections and they don't usually have manual zoom, manual focus, manual iris/exposure or manual audio control.

    Camcorders designed to take video generally take really good video (excluding DVD based camcorders - they should be recalled) but not very good stills. The decent ones have microphone connections, manual zoom, manual focus, manual iris/exposure or manual audio control.

    The mechanism to take stills or video are very different. If you want good stills and good video, get a still camera and a video camcorder.

  2. i would say dig cam-they take videos too

  3. I really like my digital camera (canon A570 IS) as it takes great stills and good mini movies and it is small enough to carry in my purse. Once I got this camera, I hardly ever use my camcorder.

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