
Which is better - a free bachelor life or a tenseful family life?

by Guest55767  |  earlier

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Which is better - a free bachelor life or a tenseful family life?




  1. stress or freedom???  hmm.. I'll take bachelorhood thank you.. oh yeah.. I am a bachelor.. ;)

  2. A tenseful family life is much better! You don't face situations alone, your family is always with you. And there are ppl always worrying about you and caring where you are. The bachelor life will get old.

  3. It depends on wether or not you want to be loved by someone who excepts your flaws and loves you anyway and you the same. + a family is always there to rely on in lonely or hard times. The trick is to make sure your family is also fun and runs smoothly so when the responsibuilities have been taken care of-you all can play and be happy together.

    The sigle life isn't for me-I can't see anything good in it-It seems No one truly knows you so No one truly loves you. They just love what they see. It's too lonely for me but maybe others like it that way.

    It's realy personal choice.

  4. Before you experience 'blissful'...dun give up on family life.

    Family is what keeps you grounded after mayhem at work. You go home to someone who loves, believes and supports you. Its a wonderful way to end a day.

    I am sorry its been 'tenseful'. Obviously, she was not the right one. DUn mean she is a bad person. but you guys dun 'fit'. Well, take a break and chill til you start to yearn family life again.

    Till you find the 'true' one, and experience true 'bliss'; the idea of a 'free bachelor life' will lurk in your mind. Well then...Enjoy whats now, see whats coming later. Good luck.

  5. They both come with benefits and ups and downs.  To a married person, the single life might seem more fun and free, while the bachelor may long for a steady partner.

  6. a free bachelor life.

    too sweet.

  7. Free Bachelor life...when you have a family, you have a serious responsibility to several people - wife, kids, which you can/should never abandon or neglect.

  8. Are those the only 2 options do you think?

  9. Having experience the "tenseful", I'll take the free any day :)

  10. You answered it yourself.

    Free- positive connotations

    Tenseful- negative connotations.

    However, if you were to think of family life as being a positive thing, you would see it as such. Depends on the circumstance.

    I guess being free can be good, and you can do your own thing. But it'd still come to the point of not feeling fulfilled. I definitely would go for family, because along with the tense times comes the great times :)

  11. I saw the bachelor life but it could depend on how badly you want your own family

  12. younger(16-25) bachelor older-family life

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