
Which is better blue ray or hi def players?

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Which is better blue ray or hi def players?




  1. Blu Ray seems to be winning, most likely because of the quantity of Sony PS3 increase the demand for Blu Ray titles

    I have both and they are the same regarding quality

    Dual players are hitting the market now, I would wait for those to come down a bit in price and solve the question as I did have both

  2. Blu-ray looks better, it has more features, and everything.

  3. Neither is better or worse.  It's all about the movies themselves.  Sadly, there are good and bad transfers of movies as the studios get better and better at making hi-def DVDs.  Early Blu-ray disks were pretty bad, but most of the newer ones are very good.  Right now, there is no right answer, just your preference in movies.

    So, if you can afford it, get a hybrid player or both a Blu-ray and HD-DVD player.  Else, wait it out or choose the format that supports the majority of the movies you would like to watch/own.

    Lastly, neither is likely to 'go away' given the amount of money being poured in, and it's not like your movies will stop working suddenly if the 'other' standard wins.

  4. What company do you trust more? Sony or Toshiba?

  5. 70% of the HD titles at the stores are Bluray, 30% are HDDVD.

    I'm glad my player plays both. I can choose from 100% of available titles.

    I could bury you in techy stuff, but if there's anything more important than available content, I don't know what it is.

  6. hd DVD is more reliable at the moment only ps3 fans will say opposite

    extras are better on hd as they can be played at the same time as watching the movie(picture in picture)

    bluray stops the film to go to extras then you have to find where the film stopped(annoying)

    picture on both the same.

    check out harry potter on hd and bluray at shops

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