
Which is better boston college or boston univeristy?

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i want a really good school but its still a very fun school with lots of fun stuff to do like partys and clubs and stuff?




  1. They are similar but BU is definitely just a notch below academically as compared to schools like BC, Brandeis, Holy Cross, and Tufts in the Boston metropolitan area.  BU is much larger and has a downtown campus as opposed to a suburban gated campus like BC and the others mentioned.

  2. They are both good schools.I have friends going to both. I really like BC, and almost ended up going there. BC is smaller than BU, pretty campus its is in chestnut hill so it is less urban but the city is very close...BU is right in the city so there will def. be something to do. BC is also harder to get into...go and visit them both and ask people that go there about different clubs and activities.  

  3. Boston College hands down boston university is for q****s  

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